Facts On ---- Halloween -- Chapter Nine



Is the Christian view of Ghosts credible in light of the facts surrounding hauntings and poltergeists?


   The Christian view explains poltergeist phenomena as the result of the activities of demons. But is this theory really credible? Most serious researches will hardly consider the idea while Michael Goss argues, "There is no one theory which comfortably accounts for all poltergeist cases."
   We disagree. We are convinced that, together, the poltergeist phenomenon and its occult connection offer strong evidence for the demonic nature of these spirits. In fact, we know of no poltergeist case that cannot be accounted for on the basis of this theory. The remainder of this section will supply evidence for our conviction. We believe the demonic theory is rejected today simply because mediums, parapsychologists and others don't like it. Thus, in spite of the evidence and the explanatory power of the demonic theory, they prefer to accept the view they personally choose to believe is true.
   However, at this point we need to make two important observations. First, it is necessary to realize that poltergeist phenomena per se are not proof that any person supposedly physically or otherwise associated with these events is spirit-possessed. The person is not causing the unusual phenomena. Again, this is an unfounded premise of the discipline of parapsychology. The poltergeist manifestations themselves are merely the result of an evil spirit working miraculous events for ulterior motives.
   Second, at least temporary demonization of many individuals has occurred as a result of some poltergeist hauntings. But more often the people who experience poltergeists or are peripherally involved are simply victims, either intrigued or terrified, depending on the severity of the haunting.
   We believe that an impartial evaluation of the poltergeist phenomenon itself will accomplish two things. First, it will dispel parapsychological (e.g., psychokinetic) and naturalistic (e.g., hallucinogenic) theories as not being credible. Second, it will dispel the mediumistic view by offering strong evidence that poltergeists are demons - not the confused spirits of the dead.


Taken from The Facts on Halloween by John Ankerberg & John Weldon...Harvest House Publishers...Are you Rapture Ready?