Facts On ---- False Teaching In The Church -- Chapter Nine


#9 The Facts On False Teaching In The Church

Why Are the Teachings of Christian Positive Thinkers False?

Would you recognize a false teaching if your pastor presented one next Sunday? The evidence is that Christians everywhere are enthusiastically embracing false teachings in the church regarding success, health, and prosperity.

9. What is "Positive Thinking"?

    "Possibility Thinking" is Robert Schuller's Christian form of positive thinking. He says, "I call it possibility thinking. Others call it faith." In essence, he stresses developing possibility thinking by never verbalizing negative emotions. He also stresses conditioning the subconscious mind by programming positive thoughts into the conscious mind. He apparently believes the conscious mind can be trained emotionally and neurologically (chemically) by positive thinking. To Schuller, faith in oneself and self-esteem is vital to success. He believes that in each one of us there resides an inner reservoir of divinely-implanted creative potential which we can draw upon. For example, he says, "Begin by believing that you possess latent gifts of creativity. You will respect, trust, and admire your own thoughts" and "let the Creative Mind of the universe inspire you." Fill your life with the God Spirit and all kinds of power [will] break forth."
    One aspect of Robert Schuller's philosophy is called PTM or Possibility Thinking Meditation. In PTM he encourages Christians to use deep relaxation and meditation to enter the "alpha state." He admits this method of meditation is similar to that taught by Eastern practitioners. He is wrong in teaching that Transcendental Meditation, for example, is not religious or anti-Christian
. It is both. He is also wrong in teaching that the mantras with the "M" sound will help clear your mind from the distractions in the world. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi himself has said that TM mantras are spiritual vehicles involving or invoking Hindu deities, which the Bible would call "demons." Robert Schuller is also wrong in stating, "It is important to remember that meditation in any form is the harnessing, by human beings, of God's divine laws." In fact, we have studied most major meditation systems in the world today and discovered they are not divine as he claims, but to the contrary they are clearly Eastern or occultic. They are used for occultic purposes, such as developing psychic powers or helping one realize one is God. In essence, Schuller's "Christian" Possibility Thinking Meditation is a form of meditation which should be rejected by the church, not accepted by it or practiced as a means of spiritual growth.

John Ankerberg & John Weldon