Facts On ---- False Teaching In The Church -- Chapter Three


#3 The Facts On False Teaching In The Church

Is There a Conflict Between Christianity and Psychology?

Would you recognize a false teaching if your pastor presented one next Sunday? The evidence is that Christians everywhere are enthusiastically embracing false teachings in the church regarding success, health, and prosperity.

3. How is Carl Jung's occultism influencing the church?

    The theories of the world-famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung have influenced some Christian' psychological thinking. Also, Jung's theories have cultivated a particular "Christian" mind-set relating to powers of the mind. For example, some Christians use Jung's theories to stress the importance of subjects such as the unconscious mind, inner healing, dream-work and visualization.
    Before embracing the psychological views of Carl Jung, Christians should exercise discernment, for after all, he admitted his involvement with spirits. He admitted his occult experiences "form the prima materia (basic material) of my scientific work." And he scorned the God of the Bible and historic Christianity.
    How then can we turn to him for wisdom? It is clear and the facts show that Jung became an unwitting agent of the spirit world. He was simultaneously used to promote and mask its activities. In a scientific era which did not accept the reality of spirits, Jung "psychologized" them and promoted them as normal and natural components of the human mind. And the Christian church, which should have known better because of the revealed Word of God, was taken "captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8).

John Ankerberg & John Weldon