Facts On ---- False Teaching In The Church -- Chapter Thirteen


#13 The Facts On False Teaching In The Church

Why Are the Teachings of Christian Positive Thinkers False?

Would you recognize a false teaching if your pastor presented one next Sunday? The evidence is that Christians everywhere are enthusiastically embracing false teachings in the church regarding success, health, and prosperity.

13. Do the A health and wealth@ teachers claim their messages is based on direct counsel from God?

    Many of the leaders in this movement claim that God, Jesus, or angels appeared to them and taught them these ideas. But we must ask, "Are these revelations biblical if they condone actions that are unbiblical or foolhardy?" In fact, the supposedly divine visions, revelations, prophecies, and interpretations are often so false or unbiblical that one wonders if these visions are from their own mind or worse, from the devil. Time and again in almost all of the writings of the faith teachers we find superficial or false interpretations of the Bible, misapplication, or serious errors of logic. This means that the "health and wealth" or "faith" teachers are in serious trouble. To start with, the Bible says that God is not the author of confusion or error (1 Corinthians 14:33; John 3:33; John 17:17).
    For example, "Jesus" told Charles Capps, "I have told my people they can have what they say, and they are saying what they have. Does that make sense? Does it even sound like Jesus? Capps also states, "The Spirit of God spoke to me concerning confessing the Word of God aloud: where you can hear yourself saying it. He said, 'It is a scientific application of the wisdom of God to the psychological make-up of man.' Again, does this sound like something the Spirit of God would say?
    Another example is Kenneth Copeland's "Jesus," who supposedly told him one must "believe that your words [Copeland's or any other Christian's] have power, and the things you say will come to pass. The result is that you can have whatever you say when you believe." Does any Christian really believe Jesus said that in light of the Bible?
    Still another example of one of these faith teachers claiming God spoke directly to him is Robert Tilton. He states, "The Spirit of the Lord has given me this [prosperity message] to share with you."
    Or Kenneth Hagin, who said, "The Lord spoke to me and said, "Don't pray for money anymore. You have authority through my name to claim prosperity.' " Kenneth Hagin promotes E. W. Kenyon's unbiblical and sometimes illogical text, The Wonderful Name of Jesus, by saying, "It is revelation knowledge. It is the Word of God."
    In Jerry Savelle's prosperity series we are told, "The revelation knowledge in this set was given to Brother Savelle supernaturally by Gods." Savelle himself tells us, "I was just sitting there, minding my own business...when suddenly the Lord appeared unto me. When he appeared, he said these words to me: 'Son, my people are in financial famine [in America??!] and I'm giving you the assignment to tell them how to get out.' Then He began to reveal to me the keys to deliverance."
    In summary you can see all these men claim direct counsel from God. But is this really true? The appearance of Jesus and angels, the words they spoke to these men -
these do not sound like biblical Jesus or the angels that speak for God and the Bible. God or Jesus would never encourage teachings that are unbiblical, unbalanced or illogical, or which could bring spiritual confusion or ruin into the lives of those who live by them.
    If these visions and appearances are real and not inflated self-delusions
, then they can only result from Satan appearing as an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). It is the devil (and certainly not the above teachers) who desires to distort the Word, encourage spiritual excesses and illogical thinking and bring difficulties or spiritual destruction into the lives of Christian people.

John Ankerberg & John Weldon