Facts On ---- False Teaching In The Church -- Chapter Twelve
#12 The Facts On False Teaching In The Church Why Are the Teachings of Christian Positive Thinkers False? Would you recognize a false teaching if your pastor presented one next
Sunday? The evidence is that Christians everywhere are enthusiastically
embracing false teachings in the church regarding success, health, and
prosperity. 12. What is the A health and wealth@
gospel? The "health and wealth" gospel teaches that the human mind and tongue contain
a "power." When a person speaks expressing his faith in supposedly divine laws,
his positive thoughts and his positive verbal expression (such as, "I am healed
of my heart attack") are supposed to produce a "divine force" that will heal,
produce wealth, and influence the environment. According to the "health and
wealth" teachers, God automatically responds and accomplishes what we command
when we positively confess our needs and desires. The non-biblical part of this
teaching is that God is obligated to do what we decide. We are in charge, not
God. Charles Capps and other "faith" teachers clearly state, "Words are the most
powerful thing in the universes." The teachings and emphases in this movement
vary, but in general there are at least five major tenets of "health and wealth"
or "faith" gospel. "Health and wealth" or "faith" teachers often claim divine visions, divine
inspiration, or divine interpretations of Scripture passages which give their
teachings absolute authority. This is an especially serious claim and Christians
need to examine it carefully. John Ankerberg & John Weldon |