Who is Jesus -- Chapter Eight

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#8 Who Is Jesus?

Putting Things Together Again

For God was pleased. . .through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
(Colossians 1:19-20)

    Paul says that this one, in whom dwells everything needed for spiritual satisfaction, is the one through whom God sought to reconcile all things to himself.
    When Paul says God will reconcile to himself all things, he doesn't say God is going to reconcile all people. He doesn't say everyone will end up in heaven. To believe that is to deny Scripture. Salvation is available to all. But not all will respond. He does not reconcile all people to himself. He reconciles in Christ all things to himself.
    What does that mean?
    Let's back up a little. When man fell, society began to disintegrate. When society began to disintegrate, ecology got out of whack. When ecology got out of whack, all kinds of things went wrong. As a result, we have loads of tension, disease, hurt, and heartache. In short, when mankind fell, everything came unglued.
    That will all change when God puts things back together in a new heaven and a new earth, where Christ will be King of kings and Lord of lords. At that time he will reconcile all things to himself. And then everything will be the opposite of out of whack. What's that? In whack. All things will be in whack.
    And all this is possible because Christ made peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Having given us a glorious vista of the magnificence of the Lord Jesus, Paul says we appreciate it only to the degree that we see this pre-existent one laying aside his glory, assuming our humanity, dying our death, giving his life, and shedding his blood so we can be forgiven and reconciled to God. That's quite a resume!
    Do you appreciate who Jesus is and what he has done for you? I'm not asking if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. I hope that you have, and that if you haven't, you will. What I'm wondering about is the depth of your affection for Jesus himself, as your Friend, Brother, Savior, God, and Lord.
    Have you told him recently what he means to you? Have you thought about his willing sacrifice on your behalf? Have you thanked him for his care of you? Do you brag about him to others?
    Take some time, right now, to treasure this Jesus. Take a moment to talk to him. Not because you have to, or because quilt makes you, but because he is worthy! Jesus is magnificent in the Christian - that's you, and that's me.
    Let's thank him for it!
    How does God "reconcile to himself all things@ ?

Father, thank you for paying such a great price to bring us to yourself. And thank you for your work in my life, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~