Who is Jesus -- Chapter Four

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#4 Who Is Jesus?

He's In Charge

In him all things hold together.
(Colossians 1:17)

    Sometimes when I'm preaching I get all worked up. And on occasion when I've gotten all worked up I have banged my hand on our solid oak pulpit. I assure you it is solid, and that its edges are very sharp.
    Occasionally I rap my knuckles on one of those sharp edges, and immediately thereafter my congregation thinks, Wow, is he preaching up a storm! No, I am not. I'm in agony. There is nothing quite so solid as a solid oak pulpit, particularly when you rap your knuckles on it and you are only halfway through your second point. In other words, another forty minutes to go in torment.
    I do take some comfort in discovering that solid matter is not really solid at all. It's really made up of space, with a few little things whizzing around inside it. I confess I don't understand it. But I understand on good authority that everything we regard as solid is in fact made up of infinitesimally small objects, called atoms, held together by space. And the space is held together by some indescribable, indefinable power.
    Now, of course, some very smart people discovered the atom. And they said that's what we are made up of. But then some very, very smart people said, "Aha! The atom is made up of all sorts of smaller things.@ In fact, you can split an atom and discover protons, neutrons, croutons, what have you, and all these things are held together by some strange, powerful force.
    All the time they are probing further and further. What they= re discovering is less and less, bound together by the most phenomenal power. And nobody on earth knows what it is.
    All things, in some strange way, hold together. To the best of my knowledge, there is absolutely no reason why you and I, being made mostly of space, should not just disintegrate. What a mess that would be.
    But all our universe is held together, and scientific minds all over the planet are seeking to understand why. Physicists and mathematicians are puzzling over it. They= re all trying to figure it out.
    Could it be that the clue is found, of all places, in the Bible? It says that "in him all things hold together.@
Do you begin to get a glimmer of the mind-boggling dimensions of King Jesus?
   What are some examples in your life of things that are held together by Christ?

Thank you, Father, that in Jesus Christ the universe and our lives are held together, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~