Who is Jesus -- Chapter Twelve

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#12 Who Is Jesus

Alive and Available

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
(Colossians 2:9)

    It has often been said that Christianity is not so much a religion as a relationship. This is easy to say and, accordingly, is often misunderstood, The point of it is this: The major religions of the world are attempts by man to follow the teachings of dead prophets. Christianity, on the other hand, is the incredible privilege of a redeemed man or woman living in relationship with a risen, living, exalted Lord.
    The essence of Christianity is not found in trying to follow the teachings of a dead Jesus. The essence of Christianity is that you and I can be related to God through Jesus, the divine Son of God, who was incarnate, was crucified, is risen, and lives in the power of an endless life.
    That is why the rest of Colossians 2:9-13 is riddled with the expressions "in him@ and "with him.@ It is in Christ (in relationship to him) and with him (in relationship with him) that genuine spiritual experience is to be found.
    It's possible to find all kinds of spiritual experiences outside of Christ. People do it all the time. But if you want the real thing, the thing that satisfied, fulfills, strengthens, completes, comforts, and delights, you'll never find it until you search for it, grasp it, and rest in it in Christ.
  "In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.@ All the boundless power and strength that "fullness@ implies is available to every believer in Christ. Are you taking advantage of it?
    How much of your time is spent striving to follow Christ's example, and how much is spent just being with him and developing your relationship?

Thank you, Father, that the Leader we follow is not dead, but very much alive and available to us, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~