Who is Jesus -- Chapter Ten

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#10 Who Is Jesus?

Hidden Treasures

Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
(Colossians 2:2-3)

    This Christ, who is the mystery of God, is the one in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. What a prize for people searching out truth!
    Have you noticed that this search goes on all the time? We= re constantly encouraged to look into all areas of knowledge. There's an explosion of it. The minute you write an encyclopedia, it's out of date. The folks over at the Encyclopedia Britannica think it's great. If ever you get on their enrollment, you'll get books coming every few minutes. You'll never have time to read them, but they keep coming.
    When we look into all these areas of knowledge, it's easy to become confused. It's possible to get sidetracked.
    Some people say, "Wow, look at all this stuff! I'm going to get off into these areas,@ and they forget Christ.
    Others recognize that danger and say, "Well, I won= t study anything, then. I'll just study Christ.@
There's a balance we've got to maintain. All truth is God's truth, but what determines whether it's true is its agreement with Christ.
    As I study psychology, philosophy, cosmology, futurology, I test everything by Christ to see whether it's skewed: If what I'm discovering in philosophy is flatly contradictory to Christ, then that philosophy is wrong. If what I'm studying in psychology contravenes what Christ taught, then I put that psychology on the side of the plate.
    The bottom line is this: If all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ, then anything that opposes Christ is wrong.
    Christ is the one from whom all things emanate. He is the one by, for, and through whom all things were created. He is the one who ultimately will rule and reign when everything is made subject to him.
    Because this is true, we've got to encourage each other to know him. In knowing him we'll have the mystery of God opened up to us - not to keep to ourselves as some closely guarded secret, but as a treasure to enrich those around us.
    And here's the kicker: You can tell this secret without spoiling the fun, and share this treasure without making it shrink.
    You won't find that kind of bounty anywhere else is the universe.
    What is one area of your knowledge that you'd like to examine in light of your knowledge of Christ?

Father, I want all my knowledge to fit into your scheme of things. Please give me the wisdom, through Christ, to discern what is true and worth studying, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~