Who Can I Count On -- Chapter Five

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#5 Who Can I Count On?

Concrete Walls or Flexible Cables?

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
(Colossians 3:13)

    Isn't it easy to get fed up with God's people? The problem, quite frankly is that the church of Jesus Christ is made up exclusively of redeemed sinners. And these wretched sinners - I'm one of them - have an awful habit of showing their true colors. If we're going to come down like a ton of bricks on everyone who shows his true colors, then there is going to be an awful pile of bricks around the place. It's amazing how far a little forbearance will go.
    I'm not saying we turn a blind eye to things. I'm not saying we shrug our shoulders or let anything go. Christian grace isn't license. It's an attitude that begins to bind together the most disparate groups of people - different in race, social position, and education.
    How on earth are you going to get people this dissimilar into one new community? You won't, unless there is Christian grace, Christian attitude, and Christian action.
    Anybody who's been around the church for a while can talk about forgiveness. We've all heard so much about it. It's easy to shrug it aside. Recently I heard a new wrinkle on the idea that renewed my appreciation for what it involves.
    It came from a TV program about stock car drivers. You say, "That will be real helpful on forgiveness, I'm sure." Well, it was. As a group sat in class learning how to be stock car drivers, the lecturer said that the first thing to remember about stock car racing was this: Concrete walls are very unforgiving.
    Unforgiving people remind you of concrete walls. You've got a bit of momentum in your life, you've gone off track a little, you're heading for trouble - but fortunately, somebody has put a concrete wall in your way. Kaboom! And that solves everything.
    No, it doesn't. It just makes things ten times worse.
    One day I would like to go up in a fighter plane and land on the deck of an aircraft carrier in a rough sea.
    Just imagine coming in on one of those fighters. You see the aircraft carrier down below, its flight deck the size of a postage stamp. "I sure hope they know what they're doing," you say. You swoop down at two hundred miles per hour, and as you hit the flight deck, you discover, unfortunately, that someone's built a concrete wall across your path. Kaboom! As you splatter yourself on the windshield, you moan, "Well, at least I'm not in the ocean."
    No, they don't build concrete walls across flight decks. They string a cable across, designed to catch a hook on the underside of the plane. The cable has all kinds of give in it. It takes the steam out of the plane's speed and brings it to a halt.
    The difference between forgiving and unforgiving is the difference between concrete walls and flexible cable. Forgiving is necessary in the fellowship of believers all the time. There's always some evangelical nose out of joint somewhere. And the last things that bent evangelical noses need is to be smashed into concrete walls.

Is there someone in your life who needs your forgiveness?

Father, thank you for your forgiveness - for your example and enablement, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~