#3 Who Can I Count On?
Break Down the Barriers
Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian,
Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and in all.
(Colossians 3:11)
One of the most awesome major league baseball teams in history was the
Oakland Athletics of the early 1970's. The team won three straight world
championships, something no one else has done since.
You never would have guessed it had you visited their locker room.
They fought like cats and dogs. They needled each other, scuffled with each
other, called each other names, played nasty tricks on each other.
But when they got out on the playing field, they were nearly unbeatable. Why?
Because when it came time for the game to begin, they put everything else
aside and focused on baseball.
Paul has something very like that in mind here. He says the people in the
pews are focused on Christ. They have all kinds of varying interests and ideas.
But when they come together as believers, all those ideas are subjected to the
one predominant idea - Christ is all that matters. He is the focus of our
attention; he is the one we seek to honor, to love, and to serve.
Believers know that Christ dwells in them through the Holy Spirit. Whatever
may be happening in their lives, they must see that he is alive in them and in
others. It is the same Lord living and working in every believer. That is what
binds them together.
Diverse interests, prejudices, and priorities in any group are bound to
generate problems. If, however, these things become secondary, not primary, then
the fellowship of believers will flourish.
Paul had to overcome all kinds of barriers in the church at Colosse: racial
and ethnic differences, religious differences, cultural differences, social
Occasionally I hear rumbles in my own church over social distinctions. Some
groups make sure they never get together with other groups. It's hard for me to understand.
I'd love
to take these people by the hand and drop them in the church at Colosse, where
they'd find both slaves and slave
owners. Paul says when you focus on Christ, social distinctions don't count for much.
When we focus on Christ, all barriers are transcended. Lose your focus on
Christ, and there will be as many barriers as people.
What is it that splits a church? It is people who major on differences. When
our focus is on Christ - when he is allowed to work in each of our lives - then
these barriers can be transcended in him.
Where is the focus in your church family? On Christ? Or on differences?
Father, please help us as a church to focus on you and learn to really love
one another despite our differences, Amen
~Stuart Briscoe~