#11 What's A Christian
The Cross That Forgives
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful
nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.
(Colossians 2:13)
Do you know any couples who can't
seem to stop fighting? They kick, scratch, bite, bicker, insult, blame, and
fume. They dredge up old hurts and fling them in each other's face.
I wish these couples could see the difference that forgiveness makes in a
marriage. I wish they could see the couples who come into my office with grudges
as big as elephants and leave with a flicker of old love restored. These
restorations don't happen all the
time, of course, but once in a while a couple will try forgiving each other.
What a thrill it is for a pastor to see forgiveness bring life and laughter to
marriages that once were dead and full of hate.
Forgiveness. What a beautiful word, and how much we all stand in need of it!
Not only in our marriages, but whenever people are involved. Without it, life is
harsh, bitter, cold, and dreadful - in a word, hopeless.
describes exactly our position prior to the cross. Before the cross, we were
bitterly at odds with God. He would reach out in love, and we'd bite, scratch, kick, and insult. Then Calvary came, and God offered us
forgiveness in Christ. His forgiveness allowed a real love affair to begin.
Christians, never forget: In Christ we have been forgiven. In verse 14 Paul
talks about the code that was canceled. Think of the Ten Commandments. Think of
how often you've broken them. Think
of the things you've done that you
shouldn't have. Think of all the
things that you could have done that you haven't. Visualize, if you can, God making out your bill. Take a good, long, hard look
. . . and declare bankruptcy. No way can you pay that bill.
Here is the great news:
Jesus Christ took the bill to the cross, and stamped across it, "Paid in Full.@
That's what forgiveness means. He has
canceled the debt. He has paid it in full. You are no longer bankrupt in the
courts of heaven.
Are there any relationships in your life that seem hopeless and need
forgiveness? How can your understanding of Christ's forgiveness help in those situation?
Father, thank you for not holding anything against me and for paying the
price for the things I have hurt or broken. Please help me to be willing to do
the same in the relationship you have given me, Amen.
~Stuart Briscoe~