Fathers and Mothers

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Fathers and Mothers

Can you sort them out? Put a letter against each question.

1. Whose mother is mentioned in praise by Paul? _____

2.Whose father was Israel's first king, Saul? _____

3. Whose mother would have the royal seed slain? _____

4. Whose father stored Egypt's fields of grain? _____

5. Whose father saw a great plague of flies? _____

6. Whose mother sheltered a couple of spies? _____

7. Whose mother gleaned in the fields of corn? _____

8. Whose father over in Ur was born? _____

9. Whose father stole from his twin brother? _____

10. Whose mother was loved when the wife of another? _____

11. Whose mother brought him to Eli, the priests? _____

12. Whose father said a good man is good to his beast? _____

(a) Solomon   (b) Ruth    (c) Jacob    (d) Hannah    (e) Abraham    (f) Bathsheba   
(g) Eunice    (h) Athaliah    (i) Moses    (j) Joseph    (k) Rahab    (l) Jonathan's


1. (g) Eunice...2nd Timothy 1:5
2. (l) Jonathan's...1st Samuel 13:22
3. (h) Athaliah...2nd Kings 11:1
4. (j) Joseph...Genesis 41:49; 41:52
5. (i) Moses...Exodus 8:24; 2:21-22
6. (k) Rahab...Joshua 2
7. (b) Ruth...Ruth 2:17; 4:17
8. (e) Abraham...Genesis 11:31; 21:3
9. (c) Jacob...Genesis 27
10. (f) Bathsheba...2nd Samuel 11; 12:24
11. (d) Hannah...1st Samuel 1:20; 1:25
12. (a) Solomon...1st Kings 11:43; Proverbs 12:10