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Sarah's husband was Isaac's __________, __________. The blanks should be filled in with father, and Abraham. There are two blanks in each line below. The first blank is worth 6 points, the second 4. A score of 80 is good, 90 better, and 100 best. If you score below 60, you may have been a bit blank yourself in answering this quiz.

1. Benjamin's mother was Joseph's __________, __________.

2. Joseph's father was Ephraim's __________, __________.

3. Mary's sister was Lazarus' __________, __________.

4. Lois's grandson was Eunice's __________, __________.

5. Moses' mother was Miriam's __________, __________.

6. James' father was John's __________, __________.

7. Boaz' wife was Obed's __________, __________.

8. Samuel's mother was Elkanah's __________, __________.

9. Abraham's nephew was Terah's __________, __________.

10. Jacob's mother was Laban's __________, __________.


1. mother, Rachel...Genesis 30:22-24; 35:15-18
2. grandfather, Jacob...Genesis 46:19-20
3. sister, Martha...John 11:1
4. son, Timothy...2nd Timothy 1:5
5. mother, Jochebed...Numbers 26:59
6. father, Zebedee...Matthew 10:2
7. mother, Ruth...Ruth 4:13-17
8. wife, Hannah...1st Samuel 1:1-20
9. grandson, Lot...Genesis 11:31
10. sister, Rebekah...Genesis 29:10