Making Names of Names

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Making Names of Names

Suffix AB to a patient man, JOB, and have a son of Joktan, JOBAB. Prefix R to the husband of Jezebel, AHAB, and have the mother of Boaz, RAHAB. In the same way, can you identify the names in each number?

1. Prefix JO to a prophet, and have a friend of David.

2. Suffix IEL to a son of Jacob, and have a brave young man, also a book of the Old Testament.

3. Prefix SUS to a prophetess, and have a woman who ministered to Jesus.

4. Prefix SAM to a son of Beni, and have the last of the judges, also a book of the Old Testament.

5. Suffix IAS to a tetrarch and have his sister-in-law.

6. Prefix JO to a Canaanitess, and have the successor of Moses, also a book of the Old Testament.

7. Suffix AH to the father of Balak, and have the wife of Moses.

8. Prefix BATH to a son of Bichri, and have the mother of Solomon.

9. Suffix AN to a son of Noah, and have an enemy of the Jews.

10. Suffix JAH to a high priest, and have a prophet.


1. Jo-Nathan, Jonathan
2. Dan-iel, Daniel
3. Sus-Anna, Susanna...Luke 8:3
4. Sam-Uel, Samuel...Ezra 10:34
5. Herod-ias, Herodias...Matthew 14:3
6. Jo-Shua, Joshua...1st Chronicles 2:3
7. Zippor-ah, Zipporah...Numbers 22:2
8. Bath-Sheba, Bathsheba...2nd Samuel 20:1
9. Ham-an, Haman...Esther 3:8
10. Eli-jah, Elijah