Double Match in Relationships

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# 3 Double Match in Relationships

Each correct match is worth 5 points, and each correct double match is worth 10 points. With a score of 90 or more you are (a.) evidently familiar with relationships in the Bible and (A) maker of an excellent score. Match 1 through 10 to a. through j to A. Through J.

1. Saul was the ___ and ___

2. Joseph was the ___ and ___

3. Moses was the ___ and ___

4. Isaac was the ___ and ___

5. Sarah was the ___ and ___

6. Rebekah was the ___ and ___

7. Lois was the ___ and ___

8. James was the ___ and ___

9. Rahab was the ___ and ___

10. Seth was the ___ and ___

a. son-in-law of Jethro

b. sister of Laban

c. husband of Rebekah

d. mother of Boaz

e. son of Zebedee

f. son of Kish

g. son of Adam

h. brother of Benjamin

I. mother of Eunice

j. mother of Isaac

A. great-grandfather of Manasseh

B. grandmother of Timothy

C. daughter-in-law of Terah

D. son of Jochebed

E. father of Enos

F. father of Ephraim

G. grandmother of Joseph

H. brother of John

I. father of Jonathan

J. grandmother of Obed

Answers to Double Match in Relationships

1. f. son of Kish and I. father of Jonathan - 1st Samuel 9:1-2, 1st Samuel 19:1

2. h. brother of Benjamin and F. father of Ephraim - Genesis 43:26-29, Genesis 46:20

3. a. son-in-law of Jethro and D. son of Jochebed - Exodus 4:18, Exodus 6:20

4. c. husband of Rebekah and A. great-grandfather of Manasseh - Genesis 24:67, Genesis 29:28, Genesis 30:22-24, Genesis 41:51

5. j. mother of Isaac and C. daughter-in-law of Terah - Genesis 21:3, Genesis 11:31

6. b. sister of Laban and G. grandmother of Joseph - Genesis 29:10-12, Genesis 25:20-26, Genesis 37:3

7. I. mother of Eunice and B. grandmother of Timothy - 2nd Timothy 1:5

8. e. son of Zebedee and H. brother of John - Matthew 4:21

9. d. mother of Boaz and J. grandmother of Obed - Matthew 1:5 [Rachab, Greek form of Rahab] Ruth 4:13-17

10. g. son of Adam and E. father of Enos - Genesis 5:3, Genesis 5:6