Imaginary Greeting To Mother

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#2 Imaginary Greeting To Mother

Below are couplets which - by a stretch of the imagination - could have been written by boys or young men in the Bible to their mothers. One through ten are the names of the supposed writers and the mothers to whom the couplets were addressed are listed (a) through (j). One is a grandmother. And one mother was not living when the couplets would have been written.

1. Only through your help, dear Mothers, I stole the birthright from my brother.


2. To the wilderness we fled and there you wept for me as dead.


3. True, > twas an Egyptian found me, but, your arms were soon around me.


4. In the temple you A installed@ me, there the Lord= s voice clearly called me.


5. More than all the other ten, Dad loved your children, me and Ben.


6. Mother dear, Grandmother, too, the apostle Paul spoke well of you.


7. Was your faith strong as that of Dad, when he built an altar for his lad?


8. Grandmother, I was saved from you. Oh, what a cruel thing to do!


9. In place of your slain son I came. You thought of this, and hence my name.


10. You made a good choice, Mother dear, it wasn= t Moab, it was here.


(a) Ishmael to Hagar

(b) Moses to Jochebed

8 ) Obed to Ruth

(d) Timothy to Eunice

(e) Joash to Athaliah

(f) Isaac to Sarah

(g) Jacob to Rebekah

(h) Joseph to Rachel

(I) Samuel to Hannah

(j) Seth to Eve

Scroll down for the answers














Answers to Imaginary Greeting to Mother

1. (g) Jacob to Rebekah

2. (a) Ishmael to Hagar

3. (b) Moses to Jochebed

4. (I) Samuel to Hannah

5. (h) Joseph to Rachel

6. (d) Timothy to Eunice

7. (f) Isaac to Sarah

8. (e) Joash to Athaliah

9. (j) Seth to Eve

10. 8 ) Obed to Ruth