Songs from the Bible
"Abide with me," "My rest a stone," "I know
that my Redeemer liveth," and many other excerpts from songs are based on the
Bible. Below are other instances, and at the bottom are the authors, or people
we connect with the excerpts. How many can you match?
1. And leap, ye lame, for joy _____
2. I will pass, I will pass over you _____
3. Here am I, send me _____
4. Faith is the victory _____
5. Angels descending _____
6. They called to the rocks and the mountains _____
7. Almost persuaded _____
8. Here I raise my Ebenezer _____
9. A ruler once came to Jesus by night _____
10. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock _____
11. He is able to deliver thee _____
12. When He cometh to make up His jewels _____
(a) Moses (b) a vision
(c) Nicodemus (d) Daniel (e) Peter (f)
(g) Malachi (h) Jacob (i) The Children of Israel
(j) a letter (k) Isaiah
(l) Agrippa
1. (e) Acts 3:8
2. (i) Exodus 12:12
3. (k) Isaiah 6:8
4. (j) 1st John 5:4
5. (h) Genesis 28:12
6. (b) Revelation 6:16
7. (l) Acts 26:28
8. (f) 1st Samuel 7:12
9. (c) John 3:2
10. (a) Exodus 33:22
11. (d) Daniel 3:17
12. (g) Malachi 3:17