Descriptive Words

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Descriptive Words

Each number below has two or more adjectives, or substantives, to be filled in. Most of them should be familiar. A score of 12 and over is "well and good," 9-11 is "fair and passing," and 8 or under is poor and disappointing.

1. How __________ upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth __________ tidings.

2. A __________ and a __________ heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

3. A __________ son maketh a __________ father: but a __________ man despiseth his mother.

4. Saul and Jonathan were __________ and __________ in their lives, and in their death they were not divided.

5. . . . or ever the __________ cord be loosed, or the __________ bowl be broken . . .

6. If we confess our sins, he is __________ and __________ to forgive our sins . . .

7. And be ye __________ one to another, __________, forgiving one another . . .

8. . . . be ye therefore __________ as serpents, and __________ as doves.

9. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place __________ water and __________?

10. For my yoke is __________, and my burden is __________.

11. The law of the Lord is __________, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is __________, making __________ the simple.

12. . . . they are a __________ and __________ generation.

13. He maketh me to lie down in __________ pastures: he leadeth me beside the __________ waters.

14. A __________ answer turneth away wrath, but __________ words stir up anger.

15. I returned, and saw . . . that the race is not to the __________ nor the battle to the __________.


1. beautiful . . . good (Isaiah 52:7)
2. broken . . . contrite (Psalm 51:17)
3. wise . . . glad . . . foolish (Proverbs 15:20)
4. lovely . . . pleasant (2nd Samuel 1:23)
5. silver . . . golden (Ecclesiastes 12:6)
6. faithful . . . just (1st John 1:9)
7. kind . . . tenderhearted (Ephesians 4:32)
8. wise . . . harmless (Matthew 10:16)
9. sweet . . . bitter (James 3:11)
10. easy . . . light (Matthew 11:30)
11. perfect . . . sure . . . wise (Psalm 19:7)
12. perverse . . . crooked (Deuteronomy 32:5)
13. green . . . still (Psalm 23:2)
14. soft . . . grievous (Proverbs 15:1)
15. swift . . . strong (Ecclesiastes 9:11)