Hidden Names
In each of the numbers below there is a name
of some Bible character hidden, and there is a hint in the line as to who the
character might be.
1. He seemed avid to slay the big Philistine.
2. Do be diligent and loyal as your mother was to Naomi.
3. He came quickly and drew his net to the shore. __________
4. Yes, I last saw him with the apostle. __________
5. Was it in the lea he saw Laban's daughter? __________
6. Hello, is your grandmother in, Timothy? __________
7. At her request her husband the king spared her people.
8. Truly, Diana of the Ephesians would not charm this convert of Paul's.
9. Agrippa, ultimately it seems, would have wished to release him.
10. Will you have sauce with the pottage? __________
11. You might be strong enough to carry the flotsam and jetsam, son.
12. He could have little comfort in his sons as priests.
1. David
2. Obed
3. Andrew
4. Silas
5. Leah
6. Lois
7. Esther
8. Lydia
9. Paul
10. Esau
11. Samson
12. Eli