Hidden Names

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Hidden Names

In each of the numbers below there is a name of some Bible character hidden, and there is a hint in the line as to who the character might be.

1. He seemed avid to slay the big Philistine.    __________

2. Do be diligent and loyal as your mother was to Naomi.    __________

3. He came quickly and drew his net to the shore.    __________

4. Yes, I last saw him with the apostle.    __________

5. Was it in the lea he saw Laban's daughter?    __________

6. Hello, is your grandmother in, Timothy?    __________

7. At her request her husband the king spared her people.    __________

8. Truly, Diana of the Ephesians would not charm this convert of Paul's.    __________

9. Agrippa, ultimately it seems, would have wished to release him.    __________

10. Will you have sauce with the pottage?    __________

11. You might be strong enough to carry the flotsam and jetsam, son.    __________

12. He could have little comfort in his sons as priests.    __________


1. David
2. Obed
3. Andrew
4. Silas
5. Leah
6. Lois
7. Esther
8. Lydia
9. Paul
10. Esau
11. Samson
12. Eli