Mothers In The Bible

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1. This mother of Reuben was Jacob= s first wife ______

2. She bore Isaac late in her life ______

3. She encouraged her son= s gracious widow to wed ______

4. She took her young boy, to the wilderness and fled ______

5. She hid Joshua= s spies, a very brave thing ______

6. From her sprang the line of the prophesied King ______

7. Bringing Samuel to Eli, she fulfilled her word ______

8. She said, I= ve received a man from the Lord ______

9. She gave birth to one known as the wisest of men ______

10. Her two boys Jacob loved more than his other ten ______

11. Saluted by Mary, great was her joy ______

12. She was good to Elisha and he raised her dead boy ______

13. She looked at the cross, and she went to the tomb ______

14. She looked out a window and was thrown from her room ______

15. She slew her grandchildren so she could be queen ______

16. As a judge was this A Mother in Israel@ seen ______

17. She helped one son get what belonged to another ______

18. She was Timothy= s good and commendable mother ______

(A) Eve (B) Jezebel (C) The woman of Shunem (D) Bathsheba

(E) Elizabeth (F) Salome (G) Deborah (H) Athaliah (I) Rahab

(J) Naomi (K) Eunice (L) Leah (M) Sarah (N) Hagar (O) Rebekah

(P) Rachel (Q) Ruth (R) Hannah















1. L - Genesis 29

2. M - Genesis 21

3. J - Ruth 3

4. N - Genesis 21:14

5. I - Joshua 2:4

6. Q - Matthew 1

7. R - 1st Samuel 1

8. A - Genesis 4:1

9. D - 2nd Samuel 12:24

10. P - Genesis 37:3 & 44:20

11. E - Luke 1:41

12. C - 2nd Kings 4:8-34

13. F - Mark 15:40; Matthew 27:56

14. B - 2nd Kings 9:30-33

16. H - 2nd Kings 11:1

17. G - Judges 4:4

18. O - Genesis 27

19. K - 2nd Timothy 1:5