School Starts Lord

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School Starts Lord! A Mothers Prayer

Dear God, School starts soon
and my little child must go,
I ask you to please watch
over him because
I love him so.

He starts school and I will
miss his laugher and
his play,
But I do know that he is
growing up and leaving
 to learn, please gently
guide him today.

I have to work Lord and can
not teach him at
home so he must go,
Lord, help him to stick to
his Faith and not
be destroyed by things he
should not know.

They will try to teach him
that you are not
real and so many lies that
are un-true,
Please, hold his hand each
 day and keep him
close to you.

Help Lord, school starts
soon and it's hard to
turn him free,
Give me the grace to let go
and wipe my tears
 so I can see,
That you will be there, you
hear a mothers prayer
I know a mothers heart you
do understand.

And learning in life started
today, Please hold
my child's hand.

author Roselee Irvine
(c) 2004
used with permission