Fill Me Lord

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Fill Me Lord
Fill me Lord, with your Love so that
I can share it with others,
Those that are lost by the wayside
and with my sisters and brothers.

Fill me Lord, with your Joy, that comes
from your very heart,
Let it be in me each day that to
some sad soul a lil Joy to impart.

Fill me with your Peace that only you
can give so that my days are not in anxious flurry,
That others will see your peace and
calm while they rush about in a hurry.

Fill me Lord, with Patience thru the
long delays of life no matter how pressed I may be,
So that patience will flow and calm
others as your patience goes out from me.

Fill me with Kindness in all situations
especially when hurt or made to feel upset,
Let my words be healing and kind and
that they will not be said with regret.

Fill me with Gentleness the way you did
here on earth below,
Tender hearted toward all everywhere
my day takes me and everywhere I go.

Fill me Lord, with your Spirit of Faithfulness
that I always remain true,
Remembering your faithfulness to me and
others too.

Fill me Lord with Self control so your
Spirit will be the guide for my actions
and desires and not my self will,
and its fleshly way.

Fill me now Lord with the fruits of your
Spirit today...
In Jesus Name I Pray....amen...
Author...Roselee Irvine...copyright/2003