Leviticus -- Chapter Nine

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The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus, Chapter Nine

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The Priests Begin Their Ministry
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1. Whom did Moses summoned on the eight day, what did he tell Aaron to do, what did Moses tell the Israelites to do, and whom did he say would appear to them today?


   After one week of ordination service, Aaron and his sons had fulfilled the complete ritual of consecration and were then ready to begin their priestly service. This chapter tells of a sin offering, burnt offerings, fellowship offerings, and a grain offering for the priests and the people.

2. Where did Aaron, his sons, and the elders of Israel take the offerings, who came near and stood before the LORD with Aaron, his sons, and the elders of Israel, and what did Moses say to them?


   It seems at first sight that this promised manifestation (which occurred at verse 23) was a second one, different from that recorded in Exodus 40:34. However, it is difficult to see why, if God had already accepted the tabernacle then, the priests would here have to consecrate it again with offerings and anointings. It is perhaps best to see the event mentioned here as the same one as the event recorded in Exodus 40.

3. What did Moses tell Aaron to do for himself and the people, what did Aaron slaughter when he came to the altar as a sin offering for himself, what did Aaron's sons bring to him, what did Aaron do with it, what did Aaron burn on the altar, where did Aaron burn them, what did Aaron slaughter next, what did Aaron do with the blood his sons handed him, what did Aaron's sons hand to him piece by piece, including the head, as he burned them on the altar, and what did Aaron wash before he burned them on top of the offering on the altar?


   These verses give the details of Aaron's offering for himself the sacrifices of verse 2. As mentioned in 8:15, the blood of the sin offering of the priest was put on the horns of the golden incense altar in the Holy Place; the rest of the blood was poured out at the base of the large bronze altar of burnt offering.

4. What did Aaron do then, what did Aaron slaughter for the people's sin offering as he did with the first one, how did Aaron offer the sin offering, what else did Aaron bring to the burnt offering, burning it on the altar in addition to the morning's burnt offering, what did Aaron slaughter as the fellowship offering for the people, what did Aaron do with the blood that his sons handed him, what did Aaron do with the fat portions of the ox and ram, that is, the fat tail, the layer of fat, the kidneys and the covering of the liver, and what did Aaron wave before the LORD as a wave offering as Moses commanded?


   The details of Aaron's sacrifice of the offering of the people mentioned in verses 3-4 are given here. Notice that in verse 21 Aaron presented the wave breast and the right thigh to the Lord but then took them for food for himself and his sons. The people's sin offering, however, being a sin offering for the congregation, was burned outside the camp (4:13-21).

5. What did Aaron do after he did all the offerings, what did Aaron do having sacrificed the sin offering, the burnt offering and the fellowship offering, where did Moses and Aaron go then, what did they do when they came out, what appeared to all the people, what came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar, and what did all the people do when they saw it?


   After the offerings had been duly made, Aaron lifted up his hands in benediction and blessed the people. He probably spoke the prescribed benediction of Numbers 6:24-26. The material in this section need not be strictly chronological. The symbolic presence of God was evidenced by the reality of his glory. There had been fire on the altar during the week of the priests' consecration. But miraculous fire came from the Lord to consume the offerings and to show the divine acceptance. That this was miraculous fire could easily be distinguished by its suddenness, intensity, etc. It emphasized the fact that when the sacrifices were burned year after year, God himself accepted them and blessed the people accordingly. The fire was sacred and was not to be allowed to go out.
   The immediate response of the people - "they shouted for joy and fell facedown" - was gladness at God's acceptance. Mingled therewith, however, was awe at the presence of the supernatural manifestation of the holy Lord who had promised to live with them, to be their God, and to take them for his people.

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Answers to Leviticus nine
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1. Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel...to take a bull calf for his sin offering and a ram for his burnt offering, both without defect, and present them before the LORD...to take a male goat for a sin offering, a calf and a lamb - both a year old and without defect - for a burnt offering and an ox and a ram for a fellowship offering to sacrifice before the LORD, together with a grain offering mixed with oil...the LORD
2. To the front of the Tent of Meeting...the entire assembly..."This is what the L
ORD has commanded you to do, so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you."
3. Come to the altar and sacrifice his sin offering and his burnt offering and make atonement for himself and the people...the calf...the blood...he dripped his finger into the blood and put it on the horns of the altar; the rest of the blood he poured out at the base of the altar...the fat, the kidneys and the covering of the liver from the sin offering...outside the camp...the burnt offering...he sprinkled it against the altar on all sides...the burnt offering...the inner parts and the legs
4. He brought the offering that was for the people...the goat...in the prescribed way...the grain offering...the ox and the ram...he sprinkled it against the altar on all sides...these he laid on the breasts and then he burned the fat on the altar...the breasts and the right thigh
5. He lifted his hands toward the people and blessed them...he stepped down...into the Tent of Meeting...they blessed the people...the glory of the L
ORD...fire...they shouted for joy and fell facedown

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NIV Commentary - Zondervan