Leviticus -- Chapter Eight

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The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus, Chapter Eight

2. Instructions for the priests

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The Ordination of Aaron and His Sons
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1. What did the LORD tell Moses to bring at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and who did the LORD tell Moses he was to gather at the Tent of Meeting?


   Why did Aaron and his sons need to be cleansed and set apart? Although all the men from the tribe of Levi were dedicated for service to God, only Aaron's descendants could be priests. They alone had the honor and responsibility of performing the sacrifices. These priests had to cleanse and dedicate themselves before they could help the people do the same.
   The ceremony described in Leviticus 8 and 9 was their ordination ceremony. Aaron and his sons were washed with water (8:6), clothed with special garments (8:7-9), and anointed with oil (8:12). They placed their hands on a young bull as it was killed (8:14), and on two rams as they were killed (8:18, 19, 22). This showed that holiness came from God alone, not from the priestly role. Similarly, we are not spiritually cleansed because we have a religious position. Spiritual cleansing comes only from God. No matter how high our position or how long we have held it, we must depend on God for spiritual vitality.
   Why were priests needed in Israel? In Exodus 19:6, the Israelites were instructed to be a kingdom of priests; ideally they would all be holy and relate to God. But from the time of Adam's fall, sin has separated man and God, and people have needed mediators to help them find forgiveness. At first, the patriarchs - heads of households like Abraham and Job - were priests of the house or clan and made sacrifices for the family. When the Israelites left Egypt, the descendants of Aaron were chosen to serve as priests for the nation. The priests stood in the gap between God and man. They were the full-time spiritual leaders and overseers of offerings. The priestly system was a concession to people's inability, because of sin, to confront and relate to God individually and corporately. In Christ, this imperfect system was transformed. Jesus Christ himself is our High Priest. Now all believers can approach God through him.

2. What did Moses say to the assembly, what did Moses do to Aaron and his sons when he brought them forward, what did Moses put on Aaron, what did Moses put in the breastpiece, what did Moses place on Aaron's head, and what did Moses set on the front of it, as the LORD commanded?


   What were the Urim and Thummim? Little is known about them, but they were probably precious stones or flat objects that God used to give guidance to his people. The high priest kept them in a pouch attached to his breastpiece. Some scholars think the Urim may have been the no answer and the Thummim the yes answer. After a time of prayer for guidance, the priest would shake one of the stones out of the pouch, and God would cause the proper one to fall out. Another view is that the Urim and Thummim were small flat objects, each with a yes side and a no side. The priest spilled both from his pouch. If both landed on their yes sides, God's answer was positive. Two no sides were negative. A yes and a no meant no reply. God had a specific purpose for using this method of guidance - he was teaching a nation the principles of following him. Our situation is not the same, however, so we must not invent ways like this for God to guide us.

3. What did Moses do with the anointing oil, how many times did Moses sprinkle some of the oil on the altar, what did he anoint on the altar, why did he do this, on whose head did Moses pour some of the oil and anointed him to consecrate him, and what did Moses do when he brought Aaron's sons forward?


   What was the significance of anointing Aaron as high priest? The high priest had special duties that no other priest had. He alone could enter the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle on the yearly Day of Atonement to atone for the sins of the nation. Therefore he was in charge of all the other priests. The high priest was a picture of Jesus Christ, who is our High Priest (Hebrews 7:26-28).
   It is generally agreed that the anointing oil typifies the Holy Spirit. When kings were anointed, the Holy Spirit came on them (1st Samuel 10:1-6; 16:13). The word "messiah" comes from the Hebrew word for "anoint," and the work of Christ began with such an anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is no statement in the Old Testament as to why oil typified the Holy Spirit. Oil was widely used in lamps. As the lamp burned, the oil seemed to vanish into the air. Such a connection of oil and air possibly may have made the typology natural in the Hebrew culture. The Hebrew word ruah means either "spirit" or "wind, air, breath." The seven-branched lampstand, perpetually fed with oil, is called a symbol of the Spirit in the Old Testament (Zechariah 4:2-6). (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

4. What did Moses then present for the sin offering, where did Aaron and his sons place their hands, after Moses slaughtered the bull and took some of the blood and with his finger, what did he put it on, why did Moses do this, where did Moses pour out the rest of the blood, why did Moses consecrate the blood, what did Moses burn on the altar, and what did Moses do with the bull and with its hide and its flesh and its offal?


   After being anointed, Aaron and his sons offered first for themselves (Hebrews 7:27) and then for the consecration of the altar. Then came a burnt offering of worship and consecration. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

5. What did Moses present next for the burnt offering, where did Aaron and his sons lay their hands, what did Moses do after he slaughtered the ram, what did Moses burn after the ram was cut into pieces, what did Moses wash before burning the whole ram on the altar as a burnt offering, what was the aroma, how was this offering made to the LORD, then, what did Moses present, what was it for, where did Aaron and his sons lay their hands, what did Moses do after he slaughtered the other ram, what did Moses then do to Aaron's sons, and where did Moses sprinkle blood?


   Next they offered a ram of "ordination." This is an unusual term, used idiomatically in the sense of "filling the hand" of a priest, i.e., installing him in his office or ordaining him (cross-reference verse 33). (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   The ram was sacrificed as a fellowship offering with special application of the blood to the priests' right ears, right thumbs, and right great toes. This doubtless symbolized their new total obedience and service. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

6. What did Moses do then, what did Moses do with all of this, why did Moses wave them before the LORD, what did Moses do with them after he took them from Aaron and his sons hands, what did Moses do when he took the breast - Moses' share of the ordination, what did Moses do with some of the anointing oil and some of the blood from the altar, where did Moses tell Aaron to cook the meat, what were Aaron and his sons to eat with the meat, what were Aaron and his sons to do with the rest of the meat and the bread, what did Moses tell them not to do, how long were they to stay there, what did Moses say was done that day, why were Aaron and his sons to stay at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days, and what did Aaron and his sons do?


   The ram of ordination was then eaten at the door of the tabernacle in a new communion with God. So for seven days Aaron and his sons stayed at the tabernacle in contrition, worship, consecration, and fellowship. The whole Old Testament ritual is given without any prescribed prayers except the Aaronic benediction of Numbers 6:24-26. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   Aaron and his sons did "everything the Lord commanded." Considering the many detailed lists of Leviticus, that was a remarkable feat. They knew what God wanted, how he wanted it done, and with what attitude it was to be carried out. This can serve as a model for how carefully we ought to obey God. God wants us to be thoroughly holy people, not a rough approximation of the way his followers should be.

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Answers to Leviticus eight
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1. Aaron and his sons, their garments, the anointing oil, the bull for the sin offering, the two rams and the basket containing bread made without yeast...the entire assembly
2. "This is what the L
ORD has commanded to be done."...washed them with water...the tunic, tied the sash around him, clothed him with the robe and put the ephod on him. He also tied the ephod to him by its skillfully woven waistband; so it was fastened on him...the Urim and Thummim in the breastpiece...the turban...the gold plate, the sacred diadem
3. He Anointed the tabernacle and everything in it, and so consecrated them...seven...all its utensils and the basin with its stand...to consecrate them...Aaron...put tunics on them, tied sashes around them and put headbands on them, as the L
ORD commanded him
4. The bull...on its head...the horns of the altar...to purify the altar...at the base of the altar...to make atonement for it...all the fat around the inner parts, the covering of the liver, and both kidneys and their fat...he burned them up outside the camp, as the L
ORD commanded him
5. The ram...on its head...he sprinkled the blood against the altar on all sides...the head, the pieces and the fat...the inner parts and the legs...pleasing...by fire, as the L
ORD commanded Moses...the other ram...the ordination...on its head...took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron's right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot...he put some of the blood on the lobes of their right ears, on the thumb of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet...against the altar on all sides
6. He took the fat, the fat tail, all the fat around the inner parts, the covering of the liver, both kidneys and their fat and the right thigh. Then from the basket of bread made with out yeast, which was before the L
ORD, he took a cake of bread, and one made with oil, and a wafer; he put these on the fat portions and on the right thigh...he put them in the hands of Aaron and his sons...as a wave offering...burning them on the altar on top of the burnt offering as an ordination offering, a pleasing aroma, an offering made to the LORD by fire...waved it before the LORD as a wave offering as the LORD commanded him...sprinkled them on Aaron and his garments and on his sons and their garments. So he consecrated Aaron and his garments and his son and their garments...at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting...the bread from the basket of ordination offerings...burn it up...leave the entrance to the Tent of Meeting...seven days, until the days of their ordination were completed...it was a commanded by the LORD to make atonement for Aaron and his sons...to do what the LORD requires so they would not die...everything the LORD commanded through Moses

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The Life Application Study Bible - Zondervan