Leviticus -- Chapter Two

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The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus, Chapter Two

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The Grain Offering
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1. What did the LORD tell Moses the offering is to be made of if someone brings a grain offering, what did the LORD say they are to pour on it, what did the LORD say was to be put on it, who did the LORD say they were to take it to, what did the LORD say the priests are to do, what was this offering made by, what is the aroma to the LORD, who does the rest of the offering belong to, and what is this to the LORD?


   The grain offering accompanied all burnt offerings and was a gift of thanks to God. It reminded the people that their food came from God and that therefore they owed their lives to him.

2. How did the LORD tell Moses the offering that is baked in an oven is to be made, how did the LORD tell Moses the offering that is prepared on a griddle is to be made, what did the LORD say to do with it (the offering that is prepared on a griddle) if it is a grain offering, how did the LORD tell Moses the offering that is cooked in a pan is to be made, where are they to bring the grain offering made of these things, who are they to present the grain offering to, where will they take the grain offerings, what shall the priest do, what is pleasing to the LORD, and who does the rest of the offering belong to?


   Three kinds of grain offerings are listed: (1) fine flour with oil and incense, (2) baked cakes or wafers of fine flour and oil, and (3) roasted kernels of grain (corn) with oil and incense. The absence of yeast symbolized the absence of sin, and the oil symbolized God's presence. Part of the grain offering was burned on the altar as a gift to God, and the rest was eaten by the priests. The offerings helped support them in their work.

3. What did the LORD tell Moses every grain offering that is brought to him must be made without, what did the LORD say was not to be burnt in an offering made to him by fire, what did the LORD say they could  bring this offering to him as, and what is this offering not to be offered on the altar as?


   Why was no yeast allowed in the grain offerings? Yeast is a bacterial fungus or mold and is, therefore, an appropriate symbol for sin. It grows in bread dough just as sin grows in a life. A little yeast will affect the whole loaf, just as a little sin can ruin a whole life. Jesus continued this analogy by warning about the "yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

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Cross-reference Matthew 16:6
"Be careful," Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

Cross-reference Mark 8:15
"Be careful," Jesus warned them. "Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod."

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4. What did the LORD tell Moses to season all his grain offerings with, what did the LORD say to leave out of his grain offerings, and what is he to add salt to?


   The offerings were seasoned with salt as a reminder of the people's covenant (contract) with God. Salt is a good symbol of God's activity in a person's life, because it penetrates, preserves, and aids in healing. God wants to be active in your life. Let him become part of you, penetrating every aspect of your life, preserving you from the evil all around, and healing you of your sins and shortcomings.
   In Arab countries, an agreement was sealed with a gift of salt to show the strength and permanence of the contract. In Matthew 5:13 believers are called "the salt of the earth." Let the salt you use each day remind you that you are now one of God's covenant people who actively help preserve and purify the world.

5. What did the LORD tell Moses he is to offer if he brings a grain offering of firstfruits, what did the LORD say to put on it, what did the LORD say the priest shall burn, and what did the LORD say this was?


   Crushed heads of new grain mixed with oil and baked was typical food for the average person. This offering was a token presentation of a person's daily food. In this way, people acknowledged God as provider of their food. Even a poor person could fulfill this offering. God was pleased by the motivation and the dedication of the persons making it.

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Answers to Leviticus two
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1. Fine flour...oil...incense...Aaron's sons, the priests...take a handful of the fine flour and oil, together with all the incense, and burn this as a memorial portion on the altar...fire...pleasing...Aaron and his sons...a most holy part of the offerings made to the LORD by fire
2. It is to consist of fine flour: cakes made without yeast and mixed with oil, or wafers made without yeast and spread with oil...of fine flour mixed with oil, and without yeast...crumble it and pour oil on it...of fine flour and oil...to the L
ORD...the priest...to the altar...take out the memorial portion from the grain offering and burn it on the altar as an offering made by fire...the aroma...Aaron and his sons
3. Yeast...yeast or honey...an offering of the firstfruits...as a pleasing aroma
4. Salt...the salt of the covenant of his God...all his offerings
5. Crushed heads of new grain roasted in the fire...oil and incense, it is a grain offering...the memorial portion of the crushed grain and the oil, together will all the incense...an offering made to the L
ORD by fire

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The Life Application Study Bible - NIV - Zondervan