How Should I Act -- Chapter Nine

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#9 How Should I Act?

Soar like an Eagle!

You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
(Colossians 3:7-8)

    When Jack Eckerd, owner of the Eckerd Drug chain, became a Christian, he knew his life would never be the same. His employees discovered the same thing a short time later.
    Chuck Colson relates how Eckerd once walked into one of his stores and spied some soft-core porno magazines for sale. His newly awakened conscience blared an alert, and he ordered his chief of operations to remove the offensive publications from all his stores.
  "But Mr. Eckerd,@ the man said, "you don= t know how much money those magazines bring in! Let me get some information together and show you tomorrow.@
Early the next day, the man walked into Eckerd's office and showed him the figures. The magazines did earn a substantial profit.
  "Take > em out,@ Eckerd ordered. "That's an order.@
Eckerd understood that when he came to Christ, he took off his old life as if it were an old garment, and threw it away. He put on a new garment, the righteousness of Christ.
    When you asked to be forgiven of your sins, you put off the old life; it is unthinkable that you should have asked to be forgiven your sins if you intended to continue in them. You have taken off the old life like a dirty garment. You have thrown it away, stepped into the shower, and been cleansed by Christ. When you came out, you were dressed splendidly in a new wardrobe. Don't put your dirty old gear on top of it!
    You are a new person. If that's true, then you need to clean up your personal and social life.
    Do you know anyone who is given to fits of rage, anger, slander, and abusive language? It's obvious that such a person has all kinds of social problems.
    One of the best mirrors of your spirituality is your social life. If you are being steered away into the kinds of activities where Christ is not welcome, that tells you something about your heart.
    More than that - if your life is one ongoing fight, that tells you something about you. Not only is your heart wrong, but your mind is set on the wrong thing.
    If that's true of you, take action. Clean it up. Get your act together. Why? Because you have taken off the old life and have put on the new.
    Whatever is holding you down, put it where it belongs and begin to live in Christ.
    What are some things that hold you back from soaring?

Father, please help me get rid of the old stuff that is left behind, and keep renewing me to bring me closer to your image, Amen.

~Stuart Briscoe~