Esther -- Chapter Two

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The Book of Esther, Chapter Two

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Esther Made Queen
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1. What happened later when the anger of King Xerxes had subsided, what did the king's personal attendants propose, what did they say the king should appoint in every province of his realm in order to bring all these beautiful girls into the harem at the citadel of Susa, whom did they say the beautiful girls should be placed under the care of, what did they want the beautiful girls to be given, what did they want the girl who pleases the king to be instead of Vashri, and what did the king do?


   The phrase, "he remembered Vashti," may mean that the king began to miss his queen and what she had done for him. But he also remembered that in his anger he had banished her from his presence with a decree that couldn't be rescinded.
   The king's personal attendants proposed that the king choose another wife from among the beautiful young virgins. They may have seen and felt more than others the king's unhappiness that the putting away Vashti had caused him. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
In all the provinces officials were to be appointed to locate all the beautiful young virgins and bring them to the harem in Susa. There they would be placed under the care of Hegai, the king's eunuch. Beauty treatments of all kinds of ointments and cosmetics would be applied to each of the virgins for twelve months (cf. v.12) in preparation for her presentation to the king. The one who pleased the king would be made queen in the place of Vashti. The courtiers' suggestion pleased the king; so he ordered that the search begin. Fathers apparently did not voluntarily present their daughters as evidenced by the king's appointment of officials to search for the candidates. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

2. Who was in the citadel of Susa, what was his name, who had carried him into exile from Jerusalem among those taken captive with Jehoiachin king of Judah, what was his cousins name who he had brought up because she had neither father nor mother, what other name was she known by, what was she lovely in, and what had Mordecai done?


   Mordecai was a Jew. The Jewish population had increased since their exile over 100 years earlier. They had been given great freedom and were allowed to run their own businesses and hold positions in government (2:19).

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Cross-reference Daniel 6:3
Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.

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   The Bible says that Mordecai was carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. If this referred to Mordecai himself, he would have been over 100 years old at the time of this story. This difficult phrase can be resolved by understanding that the word "who," referring to Mordecai, can also mean "whose family." It is' likely that Mordecai's great-grandparents were carried into captivity rather than Mordecai himself.
   Mordecai "brought up" his cousin (other sources say Mordecai was Esther's uncle), whose Hebrew name was Hadassah ("myrtle"). She is better known by her Persian name Esther, which is derived from the Persian word for "star," or from the name of the Babylonian deity Ishtar (known in Hebrew as Ashtoreth). Her age at the time of the death of her parents is not given, but Mordecai took her as his own daughter; he probably adopted her. The author describes her as "lovely in form and features." (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

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Mordecai's Profile
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   Following Jerusalem's last stand against Nebuchadnezzar, Mordecai's family was deported to the Babylonian empire. He was probably born in Susa, a city that became one of Persia's capitals after Cyrus conquered Babylon, and inherited an official position among the Jewish captives that kept him around the palace even after the Babylonians were driven out. At one time, when he overheard plans to assassinate Xerxes, he reported the plot and saved the king's life.
   Mordecai's life was filled with challenges that he turned into opportunities When his aunt and uncle died, he adopted Esther, their daughter and his young cousin probably because his own parents were dead and he felt responsible for her Later when she was drafted into Xerxes' harem and chosen to be queen Mordecai continued to advise her. Shortly after this, he found himself in conflict with Xerxes' recently appointed second-in-command, Haman. Although willing to serve the king Mordecai refused to worship the king's representative. Haman was furious with Mordecai So he planned to have Mordecai and all the Jews killed. His plan became a law of the Medes and Persians, and it looked as though the Jews were doomed.
   Mordecai, willing to be God's servant wherever he was, responded by contacting Esther and telling her that one reason God had allowed her to be queen might well be to save her people from this threat. But God had also placed him in the right place years earlier. God revealed to the king through his nighttime reading of historical documents that Mordecai had once saved his life, and the king realized he had never thanked Mordecai. The great honor then given to Mordecai ruined Haman's plan to hang him on the gallows. God had woven an effective counter-strategy against which Haman's plan could not stand.
   Later, Mordecai instituted the Jewish feast of Purim. He had a lengthy career of service to the king on behalf of the Jews. In Mordecai's life, God blended both character and circumstances to accomplish great things. He has not changed the way he works. God is using the situations you face each day to weave a pattern of godliness into your character. Pause and ask God to help you respond appropriately to the situations you find yourself in today.

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Mordecai's Strengths and Accomplishments
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* Exposed an assassination plot against the king
* Cared enough to adopt his cousin
* Refused to bow to anyone except God
* Took Haman's place as second-in-command under Xerxes

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Lessons From Mordecai's Life
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* The opportunities we have are more important than the ones we wish we had
* We can trust God to weave together the events of life for our best, even though we may not be able to see the overall pattern
* The rewards for doing right are sometimes delayed, but they are guaranteed by God himself

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Mordecai's Vital Statistics
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* Where: Susa, one of several capital cities in Persia
* Occupation: Jewish official who became second in rank to Xerxes
* Relatives: Adopted daughter: Esther.
                  Father: Jair
* Contemporaries: Xerxes, Haman

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Key Verse
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"Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews, and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews" (Esther 10:3).

Mordecai's story is told in the book of Esther.

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3. What happened when the king's order and edict had been proclaimed, who else was taken to the king's place and entrusted to Hegai, because Esther pleased him and won his favor, what did the Hegai do immediately, whom did he assign to her, and where did he move her and her maids?


   After the king's edict had been proclaimed, girls from all over the empire were brought to Susa, including Esther. They were placed in the care of Hegai, who was in charge of the harem. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   Hegai must have discerned that Esther had the qualities that would please the king, for she "won his favor." Immediately he began to provide her with beauty treatments and special food so that the required twelve months of preparation could be completed without delay. Esther apparently did not object to breaking the Jewish dietary laws. Hegai assigned seven maids from the king's palace to take care of her and transferred Esther and her maids to the best quarters of the harem. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

4. Why didn't Esther reveal her nationality and family background, and what did Mordecai do every day?


   With virtually no rights and little access to the king, it was better for Esther not to reveal her identity. While boldness in stating our identity as God's people is our responsibility, at times a good strategy is to keep quiet until we have won the right to be heard. This is especially true when dealing with those in authority over us. But we can always let them see the difference God makes in our lives.

5. What did a girl complete before her turn came to go in to King Xerxes, how would she go to the king, where would she go after she returned from the king's palace in the morning, and what happened to her after she returned from the king's palace?


   Further information is given about each candidate's beauty treatment. The treatment required twelve months before a candidate was allowed into the king's presence. For six months oil of myrrh was applied to her and for six months, perfumes and cosmetics. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   When each candidate was ready to be presented to the king, whatever she desired to take with her from the harem to his palace was given to her (i.e., jewels, clothing, etc.). (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   The maiden chosen would go into the king's presence in the evening to spend the night with him. The next morning she would return to another part of the harem and be placed under the care of Shaashgaz, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. She never returned to the king again unless he was pleased with her and summoned her by name. Those rejected lived the rest of their lives like widows. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

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Cross-reference 2nd Samuel 20:3
When David returned to his palace in Jerusalem, he took the ten concubines he had left to take care of the palace and put them in a house under guard. He provided for them, but did not lie with them. They were kept in confinement till the day of their death, living as widows.

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6. What did Esther ask for when her turn came to go to the king, whom did Esther win the favor of, when was she taken to King Xerxes in the royal residence, what did the king give for all his nobles and official, what did he proclaim throughout the province, what did he do with royal liberality, and what did the king give?


   When Esther's turn came to be taken to the king, she did not request any of the usual ornaments or cosmetics to enhance her beauty. She only took the things that Hegai, the king's eunuch, had suggested. She trusted him to know what would please the king. Her modesty and humility impressed everyone who saw her. Her father's name is given in this verse as Abihail. This name occurs in the Old Testament twice as a woman's name. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

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Cross-reference 1st Chronicles 2:29
Abishur's wife was named Abihail, who bore him Ahban and Molid.

Cross-reference 2nd Chronicles 11:18
Rehoboam married Mahalath, who was the daughter of David's son Jerimoth and of Abihail, the daughter of Jesse's son Eliab.

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   It was the tenth month and the seventh year of Xerxes' reign when Esther was taken to the king; it was four years after Vashti had been deposed. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

7. Why did the king set a royal crown on Esther's head and make her queen instead of Vashti?


   God placed Esther on the throne even before the Jews faced the possibility of complete destruction (3:5ff), so that when trouble came, a person would already be in the position to help. No human effort could thwart God's plan to send the Messiah to earth as a Jew. If you are changing jobs, position, or location and can't see God's purpose in your situation, understand that God is in control. He may be placing you in a position so you can help when the need arises.
   None of the previous candidates had attracted the king sufficiently for him to make her his wife; but he immediately loved Esther and placed the royal crown on her head, thereby making her queen in place of Vashti. After seeing Esther the king had no desire to continue the search for a queen. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)
   A great wedding feast was given by the king for all his nobles and officials. As a generous gesture to mark the occasion, he proclaimed a holiday, i.e., a release from work, throughout the provinces. He distributed "gifts" liberally, as befitted such a monarch. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

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Mordecai Uncovers a Conspiracy
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8. Where was Mordecai sitting when the virgins were assembled a second time, and what did Esther keep secret just as Mordecai had told her to do?


   All the virgins were assembled again. At that time Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate. No reason is given for the assembly. Esther had been careful to keep her nationality secret, as Mordecai had instructed her. From the time she first came under his care, she had been obedient to his commands and continued to listen to him, even after being elevated to the position of queen. Her continued obedience to Mordecai becomes important to the plot. Mordecai's position at the gate was not that of an "idler" but represented some kind of duty or official position he occupied. He may have been appointed to this position by Esther to give him easier access to the royal quarters. Men who "sat at the gate" were frequently elders and leading men, respected citizens who settled disputes that were brought to them. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

9. During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, who became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes, who did Mordecai tell about the plot when he found out, whom did she report it to, whom did she give the credit to, what happened to the two officials when the report was investigated and found to be true, and where was all of this recorded in the presence of the king?


   During the time he was sitting at the king's gate, Mordecai either overheard or was informed about a plot to kill Xerxes by two of the king's officers, Bigthana and Teresh (cf. 6:2). They were eunuchs, guards of the door - i.e., men who protected the king's private apartment - who had become angry with Xerxes. Mordecai got word to Esther about the plot; and she relayed the information to the king, giving credit to Mordecai without mentioning their relationship. Plots against Persian monarchs were not uncommon. Xerxes was in fact assassinated in his bedroom in a similar situation in 465 B.C. in a conspiracy led by his chiliarch Artabanus.
   When Mordecai's report was investigated and found to be true, the two mem were hanged on a "gallows" (lit., "tree"). The entire event was recorded in the "book of the annals" (i.e., official court records of memorable events). It is hard to understand why Xerxes forgot to reward Mordecai at that time. (NIV Commentary - Zondervan)

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Answers to Esther, chapter two
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1. He remembered Vashti and what she had done and what he had decreed about her...that a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the king...commissioners...Hegai, the king's eunuch, who is in charge of the treatments...queen...this advice appealed to the king, and he followed it
2. A Jew of the tribe of Benjamin...Mordecai son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish...Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...Hadassah...Esther...form and features...taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died
3. Many girls were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai...Esther...he provided her with her beauty treatments and special maids selected from the king's palace...into the best place in the harem
4. Because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so...he walked back and forth near the courtyard of the harem to find out how Esther was and what was happening to her
5. Twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics...anything she wanted was given her to take with her from the harem to the king's another part of the harem to the care of Shaashgaz, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the concubines...she would not return to the king unless he was pleased with her and summoned her by name
6. Nothing other than what Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested...everyone who saw the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign...a great banquet, Esther's banquet, for all his nobles and officials...a with royal liberality
7. Because he was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins
8. At the king's gate...her family background and nationality
9. Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway...Queen Esther...the king...Mordecai...the two officials were hanged on a the book of the annals

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The Life Application Study Bible - Zondervan