Ecclesiastes -- Chapter Three

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Ecclesiastes Three

(2) Solomon's general observations

A Time for Everything


1) What did Solomon say there was time for, and what did he say there was a season for?


    Solomon's point in this section is that God has a plan for all people. Thus he provides cycles of life, each with its work for us to do. Although we may face many problems that seem to contradict God's plan, these should not be barriers to believing in him, but rather opportunities to discover that, without God, life's problems have no lasting solutions!

2) Lists the times.


    Timing is important. All the experiences listed in these verses are appropriate at certain times. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God's perfect timing. The danger is to doubt or resent God's timing. This can lead to despair, rebellion, or moving ahead without his advice.
    When is there a time for hating? We shouldn't hate evil people, but we should hate what they do. We should also hate it when people are mistreated, when children are starving, and when God is being dishonored. In addition, we must hate sin in our lives-this is God's attitude (see Psalm 5:5).

3) What question did Solomon ask about a worker, what did Solomon say he has seen, what did God do in its time, what has God set in the hearts of men, yet what can they not fathom, and what did Solomon say that there is nothing better for men than?


    Your ability to find satisfaction in your work depends to a large extent upon your attitude. You will become dissatisfied if you lose the sense of purpose God intended for your work. We can enjoy our work if we (1) remember that God has given us work to do (3:10), and (2) realize that the fruit of our labor is a gift from him (3:13). See your work as a way to serve God.
    God has "set eternity in the hearts of men." This means that we can never be completely satisfied with earthly pleasures and pursuits. Because we are created in God's image, (1) we have a spiritual thirst, (2) we have eternal value, and (3) nothing but the eternal God can truly satisfy us. He has built in us a restless yearning for the kind of perfect world that can only be found in his perfect rule. He has given us a glimpse of the perfection of his creation. But it is only a glimpse; we cannot see into the future or comprehend everything. So we must trust him now and do his work on earth.
    To be happy and do good while we live are worthy goals for life, but we can pursue them the wrong way. God wants us to enjoy life. When we have the proper view of God, we discover that real pleasure is found in enjoying whatever we have as gifts from God, not in what we accumulate.

4) What is the gift from God, what will everything God does do, what can be added to it, what can be taken away from it, and for what reason does God do this?


    What is the purpose of life? It is that we should revere the all-powerful God. To revere God means to respect and stand in awe of him because of who he is. Purpose in life starts with whom we know, not what we know or how good we are. It is impossible to fulfill your God-given purpose unless you revere God and give him first place in your life.

5) What has already been done, what has been before, and who will God call to account?


    If we looked for further guidance as to the will of God, we may find it in his working in history. History does repeat itself. We may discard the lessons of history, but God confronts us with them again and again (cf. 1:10). We have no basis for complaining that he has not warned us that he will call the past to account. (NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan)

6) What did Solomon say was in the place of judgment, what did he say was in the place of justice, and for what reason will God bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked?


    There is wickedness in the place of justice. It even affects the legal system. Solomon asked how God's plan can be perfect when there is so much injustice and oppression in the world (4:1). He concluded that God does not ignore injustice, but will bring it to an end at his appointed time.
    Solomon reflects on several apparent contradictions in God's control of the world: (1) there is wickedness where their should be justice (3:16, 17); (2) people created in God's image die just like the animals (3:18-21); (3) no one comforts the oppressed (4:1-3); (4) many people are motivated by envy (4:4-6); (5) people are lonely (4:7-12); (6) recognition for accomplishments is temporary (4:13-16). It is easy to use such contradictions as excuses not to believe in God. But Solomon used them to show how we can honestly look at life's problems and still keep our faith. This life is not all there is, yet even in this life we should not pass judgment on God because we don't know everything. God's plan is for us to live forever with him. So live with eternal values in view, realizing that all contradictions will one day be cleared up by the Creator himself (12:14).

7) For what reason does God test men, what is man's fate like, what do all men and animals have, what does man not have over the animal, what did Solomon say everything is, from where do all come, from where does all return, what did Solomon question about where the spirit of man goes, what did he question the spirit of animals go, and for what reason did Solomon say there is nothing better for a man than, to enjoy his work?


    Our bodies can't live forever in their present state. In that sense, humans and animals are alike. But Solomon acknowledged that God has given people the hope of eternity, and that we will undergo judgment in the next life (3:17; 12:7, 14)-making us different from animals. Because man has eternity set in his heart, he has a unique purpose in God's overall plan. Yet we cannot discover God's purpose for our lives by our own efforts-only through building a relationship with him and seeking his guidance. Are you now living as God's wants? Do you see life as a gift from him?


Answers Ecclesiastes Chapter Three


1) everything...every activity under heaven
2) a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down, and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace
3) what does the worker gain from his toil...the burden God has laid on men...made everything beautiful...eternity...what God has done from beginning to be happy and do good while they live
4) that everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil...endure that men will revere him
5) whatever is...what will be...the past
6) wickedness...wickedness...for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed
7) so that they may see that they are like the animals...that of the animals...the same breath...advantage...meaningless...dust...dust...rises up...goes down into the earth...because that is his lot


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers