Noah's Profile

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Noah's Profile

    The story of Noah's life involves not one, but two great and tragic floods. The world in Noah's day was flooded with evil. The number of those who remember the God of creation, perfection, and love had dwindled to one. Of God's people, only Noah was left. God's response to the severe situation was a 120-year-long last chance, during which he had Noah build a graphic illustration of the message of his life. Nothing like a huge boat on dry land to make a point! For Noah, obedience meant a long-term commitment to a project.
    Many of us have trouble sticking to any project, whether or not it is directed by God. It is interesting that the length of Noah's obedience was greater than the lifespan of people today. The only comparable long-term project is our very lives. But perhaps this is one great challenge Noah's life gives us - to live, in acceptance of God's grace, an entire lifetime of obedience and gratitude.

Noah's Strengths and Accomplishments

1. Only follower of God left in his generation
2. Second father of the human race
3. Man of patience, consistency, and obedience
4. First major shipbuilder

Noah's Weakness and Mistake

1. Got drunk and embarrassed himself in front of his sons

Lessons from Noah's Life

1. God is faithful to those who obey him
2. God does not always protect us from trouble, but cares for us inspire of trouble
3. Obedience is a long-term commitment
4. A man may be faithful, but his sinful nature always travels with him

Noah's Vital Statistics

1. Where: We're not told how far the Garden of Eden people had settled
2. Occupation: Farmer, shipbuilder, preacher
3. Relatives: Grandfather: Methuselah. Father: Lamech. Sons: Ham, Shem, and Japheth

Key Verse

"Noah did everything just as God commanded him (Genesis 6:22). Noah's story is told in Genesis 5:29 through Genesis 10:32. He is also mentioned in 1 Chronicles 1:3,4; Isaiah 54:9; Ezekiel 14:14,20;Matthew 24:37,38; Luke 3:36; Luke 17:26,27; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter