Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, Profile

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Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel

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   As a youngster, Joseph was overconfident. His natural self-assurance, increased by being Jacob's favorite son and by knowing of God's designs on his life, was unbearable to his ten older brothers, who eventually conspired against him. But this self-assurance, molded by pain and combined with a personal knowledge of God, allowed him to survive and prosper where most would have failed. He added quiet wisdom to his confidence and won the hearts of everyone he met - Potiphar, the warden, other prisoners, the king, and after many years, even those ten brothers.
   Perhaps you can identify with one or more of these hardships Joseph experienced: he was betrayed and deserted by his family, exposed to sexual temptation, and punished for doing the right thing; he endured a long imprisonment and was forgotten by those he helped. As you read his story, note what Joseph did in each case. His positive response transformed each setback into a step forward. He didn't spend much time asking "Why?" His approach was "What shall I do now?" Those who met Joseph were aware that wherever he went and whatever he did, God was with him. When you're facing a setback, the beginning of a Joseph-like attitude is to acknowledge that God is with you. There is nothing like his presence to shed new light on a dark situation.

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Joseph's, son of Jacob and Rachel, Strengths and Accomplishments
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* Rose in power from slave to ruler of Egypt
* Was known for his personal integrity
* Was a man of spiritual sensitivity
* Prepared a nation to survive a famine

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Joseph's, son of Jacob and Rachel, Weakness and Mistake
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* His youthful pride caused friction with his brothers

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Lessons From Joseph's, son of Jacob and Rachel, Life
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* What matters is not so much the events or circumstances of life, but your response to them
* With God's help, any situation can be used for good, even when others intend it for evil

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Joseph's, son of Jacob and Rachel, Vital Statistics
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* Where: Canaan, Egypt
* Occupation: Shepherd, slave, convict, ruler
* Relatives: Parents: Jacob and Rachel.
                  Eleven brothers and one sister named in the Bible.
                  Wife: Asenath.
                  Sons: Manasseh and Ephraim

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Key Verse
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"So Pharaoh asked them, 'Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?' " (Genesis 41:38).

Joseph's story is told in Genesis 30-50. He is also mentioned in Hebrews 11:22.