Herod Agrippa I Profile

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Herod Agrippa I's Profile

    For good or evil, families have lasting and powerful influence on their children. Traits and qualities are passed on to the next generation, and often the mistakes and sins of the parents are repeated by the children. Four generations of the Herod family are mentioned in the Bible. Each leader left his evil mark: Herod the Great murdered Bethlehem's children; Herod Antipas was involved in Jesus' trial and John the Baptist's execution; Herod Agrippa I murdered the apostle James; and Herod Agrippa II was one of Paul's judges.
    Herod Agrippa I related fairly well to his Jewish subjects. Because he had a Jewish grandmother of royal blood (Mariamne), he was grudgingly accepted by the people. Although as a youth he had been temporarily imprisoned by the emperor Tiberias, he was now trusted by Rome and got along well with the emperors Caligula and Claudius.
    An unexpected opportunity for Herod to gain new favor with the Jews was created by the Christian movement. Gentiles began to be accepted into the church in large numbers. Many Jews had been tolerating this new movement as a sect within Judaism, but its rapid growth alarmed them. Persecution of Christians was revived, and even the apostles were not spared. James was killed, and Peter was thrown in to prison.
    But soon, Herod made a fatal error. During a visit to Caesarea, the people called him a god, and he accepted their praise. Herod was immediately struck with a painful disease, and he died within a week.
    Like his grandfather, uncle, and son after him, Herod Agrippa I came close to the truth but missed it. Because religion was important only as an aspect of politics, he had no reverence and no qualms about taking praise that only God should receive. His mistake is a common one. Whenever we are proud of our own abilities and accomplishments, not recognizing them as gifts from God, we repeat Herod's sin.

Herod Agrippa I's Strengths and Accomplishments

1. Capable administrator and negotiator
2. Managed to maintain good relations with the Jews in his region and with Rome

Herod Agrippa I's Weaknesses and Mistakes

1. Arranged the murder of the apostle James
2. Imprisoned Peter with plans to execute him
3. Allowed the people to praise him as a god

Lessons From Herod Agrippa I's Life

1. Those who set themselves against God are doomed to ultimate failure
2. There is great danger in accepting praise that only God deserves
3. Family traits can influence children toward great good or great evil

Herod Agrippa I's Vital Statistics

1. Where: Jerusalem
2. Occupation: Roman-appointed king of the Jews
3. Relatives: Grandfather: Herod the Great. Father: Aristobulus. Uncle: Herod Antipas. Sister: Herodias. Wife: Cypros. Son: Herod Agrippa II. Daughters: Bernice, Mariamne, Drusilla
4. Contemporaries: Emperors Tiberias, Caligula, and Claudius. James, Peter, the apostles.

Key Verse

"Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died" (Acts 12:23).

Herod Agrippa I's story is told in Acts 12:1-23