Boaz's Profile

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Boaz's Profile
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   Heroes are easier to admire than to define. They are seldom conscious of their moments of heroism, and others may not recognize their acts as heroic. Heroes simply do the right thing at the right time, whether or not they realize the impact their action will have. Perhaps the one quality they share is a tendency to think of others before they think of themselves. Boaz was a hero.
   In his dealings with other people, he was always sensitive to their needs. His words to his employees, relatives, and others were colored with kindness. He offered help openly, not grudgingly. When he discovered who Ruth was, he took several steps to help her because she had been faithful to his relative Naomi. When Naomi advised Ruth to request his protection, he was ready to marry her if the legal complications could be worked out.
   Boaz not only did what was right; he also did it right away. Of course he could not foresee all that his actions would accomplish. He could not have known that the child he would have by Ruth would be an ancestor of both David and Jesus. He only met the challenge of taking the right action in the situation facing him.
   We are faced with this challenge in our daily choices. Like Naomi's nearer relative, we are often more concerned with making the easy choice than with making the right one. Yet more often than not, the right choice is clear. Ask God to give you a special awareness in your choices today as well as renewed commitment to make the right ones.

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Strengths and Accomplishments
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* A man of his word
* Sensitive to those in need, caring for his workers
* A keen sense of responsibility, integrity
* A successful and shrewd businessman

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Lessons from Boaz's life
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* It can be heroic to do what must be done and to do it right
* God often uses little decisions to carry out his big plan

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Vital statistics
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* Where: Bethlehem
* Occupation: Wealthy farmer Relatives: Elimelech, Naomi, Ruth
* Relatives: Elimelech, Naomi, Ruth

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Key verse
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"I have also acquired Ruth the Moabitess, Mahlon's widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from the town records. Today you are witnesses!" (Ruth 4:10).

His story is told in the book of Ruth. He is also mentioned in Matthew 1:5.