The Problems With Having A King

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Drafting young men into the army Reference 1st Samuel 8:11, 12....Fulfillment 1st Samuel 14:52—"Whenever Saul saw a mighty or brave man, he took him into his service."

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Having the young men "run in front of his [the king's] chariots" Reference 1st Samuel 8:11....... Fulfillment 2nd Samuel 15:1— "Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him."

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Making slave laborers Reference 1st Samuel 8:12, 17.... Fulfillment 2nd Chronicles 2:17, 18—Solomon assigned laborers to build the temple.

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Taking the best of your fields and vineyards Reference 1st Samuel 8:14....... Fulfillment 1st Kings 21:5-16—Jezebel stole Naboth's vineyard.

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Using your property for his personal gain Reference 1st Samuel 8:14-16.... Fulfillment  1st Kings 9:10-15—Solomon gave away 20 cities to Hiram of Tyre.

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Problems (warned by Samuel) Demanding a tenth of your harvest and flocks Reference 1st Samuel 8:15, 17.... Fulfillment 1st Kings 12:1-16—Rehoboam was going to demand heavier taxation

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The Life Application Study Bible - Zondervan