Because of Me

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   Today's VIP meeting was just like any other one that had gone on annually for almost 2000 years, except for one thing. On this day, a human was allowed to sit in on the meeting for the first time. Most in attendance did not like it as they did not trust humans, especially considering they were the ones that were the cause of these annual meetings in the first place.
   After a while the outcries and murmuring stopped as they voted to get on with the meeting with the human present. It might help them to understand more if there was some human insight.
   The attendees were a motley crew. They were members of an ominous group as they were the instruments of Christ's suffering as they saw it, this was forced upon them against their will. They vowed from that moment after to hold a yearly memorial for the one that had suffered and died at that place they all knew as Mt. Calvary. Some even called it the hill of the Skull or Golgotha as it was better known, but that name was just too ghastly so they settled on Mt. Calvary for the purpose of the minutes of the meeting.
   There were five members in all. The list included the whip, crown of thorns, wooden cross, spike brothers and the sword. As usual, they would start the meeting with a reading of the minutes of the last meeting, but, also as usual, they started arguing before the minutes were finished. Their arguments always centered on the same thing. Who was affected the worst by this horrible injustice.
   It was not like this in the beginning. As time had passed though, they began to forget the significance of what had truly transpired that day.
   Of course the whip was usually the first to speak up as he felt that it had all started with him and from there it just escalated.
   He would say, "Oh! It was just terrible. Every time my metal tethered balls would strike His skin they would draw blood as the skin split open.
   "The sound was terrible as I tore open His flesh. I could not stand it. I kept hoping He would cry out and beg them to stop doing this to me, but He would not.
   "All He had to do was recant and I would have been spared that awful scene."
   Yes, the whip felt his ordeal was the worst.
   The cross always piped up next.
   "Everyone knows it was really the hardest on me, as even the humans sing songs about me.
   "I was so heavy. I weighed in at about 250 lbs. then, I had to endure the grunts He made as He drug me across the ground. I had to hear Him groan as they put me on His shoulders.
   "That one man carried it for a while but then He carried me again as He drug me up that long hill. I could feel His muscles and flesh rip as He carried my awesome weight.
   "I did not mind the spitting too much, but I would be hit every once in a while, as they would throw things at him to hurt Him. To hear them yell and scream, 'Crucify Him,' has caused me emotional problems until this day.
   "When they dropped me into the ground with a crashing thud, I am sure I heard some tendons and ligaments snap as His wrists, ankles, and knees were ripped in the joints. His shoulders and hips were horribly in tore in their sockets.
   "It was just to much for me to take."
   The spike brothers felt that they surely had suffered the worst as it involved several family members.
   Usually one of them would speak for the group to say, "That's right. We had to hold His body up the whole time. Try that one on for size. Yeah, I know that we are very thick even to the point of being ten times larger than the average nails. That is why we are called spikes.
   "It still did not help us feel any better as they drove us through His feet and wrists. We can still hear the crushing and splintering of bone to this day.
   "The feeling of being driven through the fleshy parts still gives us the shakes.
   "The worst part was when He would go limp occasionally and we could feel His fingers curling around us.
   "We felt even worse then you did cross, when you were dropped into the ground because when this happened we could hear and feel His flesh rip and tear.
   "Oh, the humanity of it all. We suffered so."
   Not to be out done, the crown of thorns would then follow up with how it was much harder on her.
   She was heard to say, "Those Roman soldiers didn't just lay me down on His head, no, no, no. They smashed it down hard. Just look at my thorns. These are not your average garden-variety thorns.
   "When I go into the flesh, I really dig in. I burn and sting horribly. Every time I am moved, I cut deeper and it almost killed me when they twisted me on His head.
   "I remember actually penetrating His skull that day as I was pounded into place. It was just awful as His blood got all over my thorns. I shuddered when I saw the blood and sweat fall into His eyes and burn them. I am not sure but I think He was crying.
   "It was most humiliating when they mocked Him, especially when they said, 'If you are a king then wear this crown of thorns.' They said it with such cruelty in their voice. I almost felt like they were taunting me. Yes, it was definitely hardest on me."
   The sword always felt slighted as his role only lasted a few seconds, but his argument was stated as, "Yeah! Well I know my roll was not as big as the rest of you, but I was used to harm Him when He could stand no more.
   "I had a bad feeling earlier that day. When that soldier took me out of his scabbard, I knew I was in trouble. It was eerie going in as I felt the flesh on His side sink in with me as I sliced Him open. When I was pulled out though, that was the worst moment of all for me.
   "As I was pulled out, I felt this warm wet sticky stuff all over me. I felt Him twist and writhe in pain and then suddenly I felt all His blood and water gushing all over me and I swore I heard a muted cry.
   "It was a mess. I can still see the crimson stain on my blade today. Woe is me."
   Nothing had changed. They all felt sorry for themselves. It was after the last had spoken that the human had decided to stand and speak on the matter. Before he could finish rising he was met by a chorus of boos and jeers as they tried to shout him down.
   They cried out to him, "How dare you attempt to speak. What do you know of the horrors we went through."
   The human interrupted them and said that he wanted to speak about what Christ had endured not what they had.
   They were taken back for a moment but quickly gathered their thoughts and screamed at him, "What do you know about his suffering, his pain, his agony, his humiliation, his degradation, his loneliness, his heartache?"
   He looked around the room at each one of them before he said his final words.
   "I will never understand the depth of his suffering. I only know that He was there because of me."
   Abruptly, the group's attitude changed. Their misguided pride suddenly changed to guilt. They were having trouble accepting the fact that they had been so wrong for two thousand years.
   To hide their shame and guilt they began to point fingers at each other.
   "It is your fault," one of them shouted. "No, it was you that caused Him the most sorrow and pain," another retorted.
   After ten long minutes of insults and barbs being traded back and forth, the human again interrupted. "None of you have understood what I have shared with you. You just do not get it," he added.
   "It wasn't about blame, fault or who was the worst. It was about love. True love. That love that came from the Father's heart. It was the only way for Him to draw all of creation back to Him.
   "Our heavenly Father did not want any to perish. His Son went willing to the cross to make that sacrifice, once, and for all. It was His way of looking past our faults and seeing our needs.
   "Instead of placing blame, reach out to each other like He did for you and comfort each other in the knowledge that all is forgiven. Simply accept His awesome gift and turn to His word for guidance on how to live your life according to His grace from here on out."
   When the human finished he looked around and saw that there was not a dry eye to be found.
   That very moment they passed a resolution, to meet annually as they had done for so long, but now their goal was to share what Christ had done for them in the year that had passed.

After all, it was BECAUSE OF ME that He was crucified.

~Author Steven A. Hudson~