2nd Timothy -- Chapter Four

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2Timothy Chapter Four


1) Who did Paul say will judge the living and the dead, what charge did Paul give Timothy, how did Paul tell Timothy to be prepared, and how did Paul say to correct, rebuke and encourage?


   It was important for Timothy to preach the gospel so that the Christian faith could spread throughout the world. We believe in Christ today because people like Timothy were faithful to their mission. It is vitally important for believers to spread the gospel. Half the people who have ever lived are alive today, and most of them do not know Christ. He is coming soon, and he wants to find his faithful believers ready for him. It may be inconvenient to take a stand for Christ or to tell others about his love, but preaching the Word of God is the most important responsibility the church and its members have been given. Be prepared for courageous in, and sensitive to God-given opportunity to tell the Good News.
   "Be prepared in season and out of season" means to always be ready to serve God in any situation, whether or not it is convenient. Be sensitive to the opportunities God gives you.
   Paul told Timothy to "correct, rebuke and encourage." It is difficult to accept correction, to be told we have to change. But no matter how much the truth hurts, we must be willing to listen to it so we can more fully obey God.

2) What time did Paul say was coming, what will they do to suit their own desires, and from where will they turn their ears?


   Timothy is now warned that the time will come when people will not be able to tolerate "sound doctrine" (a key phrase in the Pastorals; cf. 1Timothy 1:10; Titus 1:9; 2:1). Timothy's major task in Ephesus is to defend and proclaim doctrines in accord with the truth of God's Word (verse 2). He must do this constantly, since the time will come when people will not listen to the truth. Instead, "to suit their own desires, they will gather around them" many teachers who will say what they want them to say, in order to gratify their self-willed hearts. (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)

3) What does Paul tell Timothy to keep in all situations, what does Paul tell Timothy to endure, what work does Paul tell Timothy to do, and what does Paul tell Timothy to discharge?


   "Keep your head" is from a verb that often means "be sober, abstain from wine." But in the New Testament (cf. 1Thessalonians 5:6, 8; 1Peter 1:13; 4:7; 5:8) it has the metaphorical sense of being self-controlled or self-possessed-Timothy is to keep his self-control under all circumstances. He is then again urged to "endure hardship." He must do the work of an "evangelist" (cf. Acts 21:8; Ephesians 4:11), which means to announce the good news of salvation in Christ. This word may well refer to an itinerant preacher, but the established pastor must also be an evangelist, pointing sinners to Christ.
   The summary of Paul's solemn charge to Timothy is this: "Discharge all duties of your ministry." He is to fulfill his calling by packing his ministry to the full with the things Paul has been exhorting him to do in these two letters. (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)

4) How was Paul being poured out, what time did Paul say has come, what did Paul say he has fought, what did Paul say he has finished, and what did Paul say he has kept?


   A drink offering consisted of wine poured out on an altar as a sacrifice to God (see Genesis 35:14; Exodus 29:41). Its fragrance was considered pleasing to God. Paul viewed his life as an offering to God.
   As he neared the end of his life, Paul could confidently say he had been faithful to his call. Thus he faced death calmly, knowing that he would be rewarded by Christ. Is your life preparing you for death? Do you share Paul's confident expectation of meeting Christ? The good news is that the heavenly reward is not just for giants of the faith, like Paul, but for all who are eagerly looking forward to Jesus' second coming. Paul gave these words to encourage Timothy, and us, that no matter how difficult the fight seems-keep fighting.

5) What did Paul say was in store for him, who did Paul say will award him on that day, and who else did Paul say will receive the crown of righteousness?


   In Roman athletic games, a laurel wreath was given to the winners. A symbol of triumph and honor, it was the most coveted prize in ancient Rome. This is probably what Paul was referring to when he spoke of a "crown." But this would be a crown of righteousness.
   Although Paul would not receive an earthly reward, he would be rewarded in heaven. What ever we may face-discouragement, persecution, or death-we know our reward is with Christ in heaven.


Personal Remarks


6) Why did Paul ask Timothy to do his best to come and see him, why did Demas desert Paul, where had Crescens gone to, where has Titus gone to, who is the only on with Paul, why did Paul ask Timothy to bring Mark with him, where did Paul send Tychicus, and what did Paul ask Timothy to bring with him?


   Paul was virtually alone and probably lonely. No one had been there at his trial to speak in his defense (4:6), and Demas had left the faith (4:10). Only Luke had returned (4:11).
   Demas had been one of Paul's co-workers (Colossians 4:14; Philemon 24), but he had deserted Paul because he "loved this world." In other words, Demas loved worldly values and worldly pleasures. There are two ways to love the world. God loves the world as he created it and as it could be if it were rescued from evil. Others, like Demas, loved the world as it is, sin and all. Do you love the world as it could be if justice were done, the hungry were fed and people loved one another? Or do you love what the world has to offer-wealth, power, pleasure-even if gaining it means hurting people and neglecting the work God has given you to do?
   Crescens and Titus had left, but not for the same reasons as Demas. Paul did not criticize or condemn them. Mentioning Demas reminded Paul of more faithful co-workers. Only Luke was with Paul, and Paul was feeling lonely. Tychicus, one of his most trusted companions (Acts 20:4; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 4:7; Titus 3:12), had already left for Ephesus. Paul missed his young helpers Timothy and Mark. Mark had left Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey, and this had greatly upset Paul (Acts 13:13; 15:36-41). But later Mark proved to be a worthy helper, and Paul recognized him as a good friend and trusted Christian leader (Colossians 4:10; Philemon 24). Mark wrote the gospel of Mark.
   Paul's arrest probably occurred so suddenly that he was not allowed to return home to gather his personal belongings. Because he was a prisoner in a damp and chilly dungeon, Paul asked Timothy to bring him his cloak. Even more than the cloak, Paul wanted his parchments. These may have included parts of the Old Testament, the Gospels, copies of his own letters, or other important documents.

7) Who did Paul a great harm, who did Paul say will repay Alexander for what he has done, and why did Paul tell Timothy that he should be on guard against Alexander?


   We do not know when, where, or in what way Alexander did Paul "a great deal of harm." One good guess is that he had been responsible for the apostle's arrest and imprisonment. Paul emphasis that the Lord Jesus "will repay" him. Paul warns Timothy to be on guard against this malicious enemy who "strongly opposed our message." This opposition may have included not only Paul's preaching but also his defense before the court (cf. verse 16).

8) What did Paul say happened at his first defense, who did Paul say stood by his side, why did the Lord give Paul strength, and from where was Paul delivered?


   With his mentor in prison and his church in turmoil, Timothy was probably not feeling very brave. Paul may have been subtly telling Timothy that the Lord had called Timothy to peach, and would give him the courage to continue to do so. God always gives us the strength to do what he has commanded. This strength may not be evident, however, until we step out in faith and actually begin doing the task.
   Some have seen this as a reference to Nero throwing Christians to the lions in the Coliseum. More likely, it is Paul's way of describing his deliverance at his first defense (see, for example, Psalm 22:21; Daniel 6:22).

9) What did Paul say the Lord will do, and where did Paul say the Lord will bring him safely to?


   Here Paul was affirming his belief in eternal life after death. Paul knew the end was near, and he was ready for it. Paul was confident in God's power even as he faced death. Anyone facing a life and death struggle can be comforted knowing that God will bring each believer safely through death to his heavenly kingdom.


Final Greetings


10) Who did Paul tell Timothy to greet, who stayed in Corinth, who did Paul leave sick in Miletus, when did Paul want Timothy to visit him, who did Paul say greeted Timothy, and who did Paul say will be with Timothy's spirit?


   Priscilla and Aquila were fellow Christian leaders with whom Paul had lived and worked (Acts 18:2, 3). Onesiphorus visited and encouraged Paul in jail. Erastus was one of Paul's trusted companions (Acts 19:22), as was Trophimus (Acts 20:4; 21:29).
   Paul ended the final chapter in his book and his life by greeting those who were closest to him. Although Paul had spent most of his life traveling, he had developed close and lasting friendships. Too often, we rush through our days, barely touching anyone's life. Like Paul, take time to weave your life into others through deep relationships.
   As Paul reached the end of his life, he could look back and know he had been faithful to God's call. Now it was time to pass the torch to the next generation, preparing leaders to take his place so that the world would continue to hear the life-changing messages of Jesus Christ. Timothy was Paul's living legacy, a product of Paul's faithful teaching, discipleship, and example. Because of Paul's work is full of believers today who are also carrying on the work. What legacy will you leave behind? Whom are you training to carry on your work? It is our responsibility to do all we can do to keep the gospel message alive for the next generation.


Answers 2Timothy Chapter Four


1) God and Jesus Christ...preach the Word...in season and out of season...with great patience and careful instruction
2) when men will not put up with sound doctrine...they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear...away from the truth and turn aside to myths
3) your head...hardship...of an evangelist...all the duties of your ministry
4) like a drink offering...for my departure...the good fight...the race...the faith
5) the crown of righteousness...the Lord, the righteous judge...to all who have longed for his appearing
6) Demas has deserted him and gone to Thessalonica...because he loved this world...Galatia...Dalmatia...Luke...because he is helpful to me in my ministry...Ephesus...the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments
7) Alexander the metal worker...the Lord...because he strongly opposed our message
8) no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me...the Lord...so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it...the lion's mouth
9) rescue me from every evil attack...his heavenly kingdom
10) Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus...Erastus...Trophimus...before winter...Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers...the Lord


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers