2nd Thessalonians -- Chapter Three

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2Thessalonians Chapter Three

(2) Living in the light of Christ's return

Request for Prayer


1) Why did Paul ask the church to pray for them, for what reason did Paul ask the church to pray for them so that they may be delivered from wicked and evil men, who did Paul say is faithful, who did Paul say the Lord will strengthen and protect them from, what confidence did Paul have in the Lord, and what did he pray that the Lord would direct their hearts into?


   Beneath the surface of the routine of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual power is being waged. Our main defense is prayer that will strengthen us. The following guidelines can help you prepare for and survive satanic attacks: (1) take the threat of spiritual attack seriously; (2) pray for strength and help from God; (3) study the Bible to recognize Satan's style and tactics; (4) memorize Scripture so it will be a source of help no matter where you are; (5) associate with those who speak the truth; and (6) practice what you are taught by spiritual leaders.


Warnings Against Idleness


2) In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who does Paul command the church to stay away from, for what reason did Paul say he and his companions worked night and day, laboring and toiling, and what was the rule Paul gave them?


   Paul was writing here about the person who is lazy. Paul explained that when he and his companions were in Thessalonica, they worked hard, buying what they needed rather than becoming a burden to any of the believers. The rule they followed was, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." There's a difference between leisure and laziness. Relaxation and recreation provide a necessary and much needed balance to our lives; but when it is time to work, Christians should jump right in. We should make the most of our talent and time, doing all we can to provide for ourselves and our dependents. Rest when you should be resting, and work when you should be working.

3) What did Paul say he heard about some of them, what does Paul call these people who are not busy, what does Paul command such people, and what does Paul tell the church to never tire of doing?


   Some people in the Thessalonian church were falsely teaching that because Christ would return any day, people should set aside their responsibilities, quit work, do no future planning, and just wait for the Lord. But their lack of activity only led them into sin. They became a burden to the church, which was supporting them; they wasted time that could have been used for helping others; and they became "busybodies" (3:11). These church members may have thought that they were being more spiritual by not working, but Paul tells them to be responsible and get back to work. Being ready for Christ means obeying him in every area of life. Because we know that Christ is coming, we must live in such a way that our faith and our daily practice will please him when he arrives.
   A "busybody" is a gossip. An idle person who doesn't work ends up filling his or her time with less than helpful activities, like gossip. Rumors and hearsay are tantalizing, exciting to hear, and makes us feel like insiders. But they tear people down. If you often find your nose in others people's business, you may be underemployed. Look for a task to do for Christ or for your family, and get to work.

4) What does Paul tell the church to do to anyone who does not obey his instructions in this letter, why did Paul say not to associate with him, what did Paul say not to regard him as, and what did Paul say to warn him as?


   Paul counseled the church to stop supporting financially and associating with those who persisted in their idleness. Hunger and loneliness can be very effective ways to make the idle person become productive. Paul was not advising coldness or cruelty, but the kind of tough love that a person would show a brother or sister.


Final Greetings


5) What did Paul pray that the Lord of peace would give the church, what did Paul say was his own hand writing, and what did he pray would be with them all?


   The book of 2 Thessalonians is especially meaningful for those who are being persecuted or are under pressure because of their faith. In chapter 1 we are told what suffering can do for us. In chapter 2 we are assured of final victory. In chapter 3 we are encouraged to continue living responsibly in spite of difficult circumstances. Christ's return is more than a doctrine; it is a promise. It is not just for the future; it has a vital impact on how we live now.


Answers 2Thessalonians Chapter three


1) that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored...for not everyone has faith...the Lord...the evil one...that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command...God's love and Christ's perseverance
2) every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us...so that we would not be a burden to any of you..."If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
3) are idle...busybodies...to settle down and eat the bread they eat...what is right
4) take special note of him...in order that he may feel ashamed...as an enemy...as a brother
5) peace at all times and in every way...this greeting...the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers