2nd Thessalonians -- Chapter Two

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2Thessalonians Chapter Two

The Man of Lawlessness


1) What was Paul writing to the church at Thessalonica about, what did he tell them not to become unsettled or alarmed by, what will happen before that day will come, and what is the man of lawlessness doomed to?


   Paul describes the end of the world and Christ's second coming. He says that great suffering and trouble lie ahead, but evil will not prevail, because Christ will return to judge all people. Although Paul presents a few signs of the end times, his emphasis, like Jesus' (Mark 13), is the need for each person to prepare for Christ's return by living rightly day by day. If we are ready, we won't have to be concerned about the proceeding events or the timing of Christ's return. God controls all events.
   In the Bible, the day of the Lord is used in two ways: it can mean the end times (beginning with Christ's birth and continuing until today), and it can mean the final judgment day (in the future). Because some false teachers were saying that judgment day had come, many believers were waiting expectantly for their vindication and for relief from suffering. But judgment day had not yet come; other events would have to happen first.
   "Prophecy, report, or letter" could refer to the fact that false teaching had come from: (1) someone claiming to have had divine revelation; (2) someone passing on a teaching as though it were from Paul; or (3) someone distributing a letter supposedly written by Paul.
   Throughout history there have been individuals who epitomized evil and who were hostile to everything Christ stands for (see 1John 2:18; 4:3; 2John 7). These antichrist have lived in every generation and will continue to work their evil. Then just before Christ's second coming, "the man of lawlessness...the man doomed to destruction," a completely evil man, will arise. He will be Satan's tool, equipped with Satan's power (2:9). This lawless man will be the antichrist.
   It is dangerous, however, to label any person as the antichrist and to try to predict Christ's coming based on that assumption. Paul mentions the antichrist, not so we might identify him specifically, but so we might be ready for anything that threatens our faith. If our faith is strong, we don't need to be afraid of what lies ahead, because we know that this lawless man has already been defeated by God, no matter how powerful he becomes or how terrible our situation seems. God is in control, and he will be victorious over the antichrist. Our task is to be prepared for Christ's return and to spread the gospel so that even more people will also be prepared.
   When Paul first wrote to the Thessalonians, they were in danger of losing hope in the second coming. Then they shifted to the opposite extreme-some of them thought that Jesus would be coming at any minute. Paul tried to restore the balance by describing certain events that would happen before Christ's return.

2) What will the man of lawlessness oppose and exalt himself over, where will he set himself up, and who will he proclaim to be?


   This individual "opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or worshipped." His direct and determined opposition to the true God will be a leading feature of the continuing apostasy. It will be especially marked by removal of the symbolic articles from the Jerusalem temple. The man of lawlessness will occupy the holy precincts in order to accept and even demand worship that is due God alone. This evidently is a Jewish temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem in the future. (NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan, Publishers)

3) Why is the man of lawlessness being held back, what is already at work, how will the Lord Jesus overthrow the lawless one, and how will the lawless one be destroyed?


   Who holds back the lawless one? We do not know for certain. Three possibilities have been suggested: (1) government and law, which help to curb evil; (2) the ministry and activity of the church and the effects of the gospel; or (3) the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not clear on who this restrainer is, only that he will not restrain forever. But we should not fear this time when the restrainer is removed-God is far stronger than the man of lawlessness, and God will save his people.
   "The secret power of lawlessness is already at work" means that the work that this antichrist will do is already going on. Secret means something no one can discover, but something God will reveal. Lawlessness is the hidden, subtle, underlying force from which sin springs. Civilization still has a veneer of decency through law enforcement, education, science, and reason. Although we are horrified by criminal acts, we have yet to see the real horror of complete lawlessness. This will happen when "the one who now holds it back [possibly the Holy Spirit]...is taken out of the way." Why will God allow this to happen? To show people and nations their own sinfulness, and to show them by bitter experience the true alternative to the lordship of Christ. People totally without God can act no better than vicious animals. Lawlessness, to a certain extent, is already going on, but the man of lawlessness has not yet been revealed.

4) What will the coming of the lawless one be in accordance with?


   This lawless one will use "counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders" to deceive and draw a following. Miracles from God can help strengthen our faith and lead people to Christ, but all miracles are not necessary from God. Christ's miracles were significant, not just because of their power, but because of their purpose-to help, to heal, and to point us to God. The man of lawlessness will have power to do amazing things, but his power will be from Satan. He will use this power to destroy and to lead people away from God and toward himself. If any so-called religious personality draws attention only to himself or herself, his or her work is not from God.

5) What will Satan display that deceives those who are perishing, why are they perishing, what will God send them so that they will believe a lie, and who will be condemned?


   This man of lawlessness with his power and miracles will deceive those who have refused to believe God's truth. God gives people freedom to turn their backs on him and believe Satan's lies. If they say no to the truth, they will experience the consequences of their sin.


Stand Firm


6) Why did Paul say they should always thank God for the church in Thessalonica, how did God chose them to be saved, and why did God call them through the gospel Paul taught?


   Paul consistently taught that salvation begins and ends with God. We can do nothing to be saved on our own merit-we must accept God's gift of salvation. There is no other way to receive forgiveness from sin. Paul is encouraging the Thessalonian believers by reminding them that they were chosen by God from the beginning. Sanctification is the process of Christian growth through which the Holy Spirit makes us like Christ (Romans 8:29).
   God worked through Paul and his companions to tell the Good News so that people could share in Christ's glory. It may seem strange that God works through us-fallible, unfaithful, untrustworthy human creatures. But he has given us the fantastic privilege of accomplishing his great mission-telling the world how to find salvation.

7) How did Paul tell the church to stand, what did he tell them to hold on to, how did the Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father give us eternal encouragement and good hope, what does Paul say to encourage, and what does he say to be strengthen in?


   Paul knew that the Thessalonians would face pressure from persecutions, false teachers, worldliness, and apathy to waver from the truth and to leave the faith. So he urged them to "stand firm" and hold on to the truth they had been taught both through his letters and in person. We also may face persecution, false teachings, worldliness, and apathy. We should hold on to the truth of Christ's teachings because our lives depend on it. Never forget the reality of Christ's life and love!


Answers 2Thessalonians Chapter Two


1) the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him...by some prophecy, report, or letter that was suppose to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come...until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed...destruction
2) everything that is called God or is worshiped...in God's temple...God
3) so that he may be revealed at the proper time...the secret power of the lawless one...with the breath of his mouth...by the splendor of his coming
4) the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders
5) every sort of evil...because they refused to love the truth and so be saved...a powerful delusion...all who has not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness
6) because from the beginning God chose you to be saved...through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth...that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
7) firm...the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter...by his grace...your hearts...every good deed and word


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers