1st Timothy -- Chapter Three

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1Timothy Chapter Three

Overseers and Deacons


1) If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, what does he desire, what should an overseer be, what must an overseer manage, whom must he manage well, how must his children obey him, why should he not be a recent convert, and why should he have a good reputation with outsiders?


   To be a church leader ("overseer") is a heavy responsibility because the church belongs to the living God. Church leaders should not be allowed to push their way to the top. Instead they should be chosen by the church because of their respect for the truth, both in what they believe and in how they live.
   The word overseer can refer to a pastor, church leader, or presiding elder. It is good to want to be a spiritual leader, but the standards are high. Paul enumerates some of the qualifications here. Do you hold a position of spiritual leadership, or would you like to be a leader some day? Check yourself against Paul's standard of excellence. Those with great responsibility must meet high expectations.

2) What are deacons to be, what must they keep hold of, what must first be done before becoming a deacon, if nothing is found against them, what can they serve as, what should their wives be, what should a deacon be a husband of, and what must he manage well?


   Deacon means "one who serves." This position was possibly begun by the apostles in the Jerusalem church (Acts 6:1-6) to care for the physical needs of the congregation, especially the needs of the Greek-speaking widows. Deacons were leaders in the church, and their qualifications resemble those of the overseers. In some churches today, the office of deacon has lost its importance. New Christians are often asked to serve in this position, but that is not the New Testament pattern. Paul says that potential deacons should first be tested before they are asked to serve. 
   Wives can refer to women helpers or deaconesses. It could also mean wives of deacons, or female leaders of the church (such as Phoebe, the deaconess mentioned in Romans 16:1). In either case, Paul expected the behavior of prominent women in the church to be just as responsible and blameless as that of prominent men.

3) What does those who serve well gain, although Paul hoped to come to the church soon, why did he write them these instructions, and what are the people in God's household?


   Those who serve well in their assigned duties in the church gain for themselves "an excellent standing." They should be able to maintain great respect in the eyes of the church as well as in God's sight. Likewise, "great assurance" relates to confidence both before God and before other people.
   Paul was hoping to visit Timothy soon. But just in case he was delayed, he wants his young associate to know "how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household." The apostle's rules for church members and their leaders are what we find in chapters 2-3. God's "household" or "the church of the living God" has primary reference here to the local congregation, although the general church of Jesus Christ may also be in view.
   This church is "pillar and the foundation of the truth." "Pillar" and "foundation" both emphasize the certainty and firmness of "the truth" that is revealed in God's Word. Each local church must support and strengthen the truth by witnessing to the faith and by living exemplary lives. (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)

4) Beyond all question, what does Paul say is great, how did Jesus appear, who was he vindicated by, who was he seen by, where was he preaching, where was he believed on, and were was he taken up to?


   In this short hymn, Paul affirms the humanity and divinity of Christ. By so doing he reveals the heart of the gospel, "the mystery of godliness" (the secret of how we become godly). "Appeared in a body"-Jesus was a man; Jesus' incarnation is the basis of our being right with God. "Was vindicated by the Spirit"-Jesus' resurrection showed that the Holy Spirit's power was in him (Romans 8:11). "Was seen by angels" and "was taken up in glory"-Jesus is divine. We can't please God on our own; we must depend on Christ. As a man, Jesus lived a perfect life, and so he is a perfect example of how to live. As God, Jesus gives us the power to do what is right. It is possible to live a godly life-through following Christ.


Answers 1Timothy Chapter Three


1) a noble task...above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money...his family...with proper respect...he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil...so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap
2) men of worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain...the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience...tested...as deacons...women of worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything...one wife...his children and household
3) an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus...so that if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household...the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth
4) the mystery of godliness...in a body...the Spirit...angels...among the nations...in the world...glory


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers