1st Thessalonians -- Chapter Four

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1Thessalonians Chapter Four

(2) Watchfulness for the Lord

Living to Please God


1) For what reason did Paul say they instructed the Thessalonians on how to live, what did Paul instruct them to do in the Lord Jesus, and by whose authority did Paul give them instructions?


   Paul stimulates his converts' memory of what he and his companions had told them. He characterizes their previous ministry as a delivering of "instructions" (or "commands"). These were binding because they were given "by the authority of the Lord Jesus." (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)

2) What did Paul say is God's will?


   Being sanctified or made holy is the process of the living the Christian life. The Holy Spirit works in us, conforming us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).


Cross-reference: Romans 8:29; For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.


   God's ultimate goal for us is to make us like Christ (1John 3:2). As we become more and more like him, we discovered our true selves, the persons we were created to be. How can we be conformed to Christ's likeness? By reading and heeding the Word, by studying his life on earth through the Gospels, by being filled with his Spirit, and by doing his work in the world.


3) What did Paul say they should avoid, how should each one of them learn to control their body, in what way did Paul tell them they shouldn't use their bodies, what did Paul say no one should do to his brother, what will the Lord do to men for all such sins, what did God call us to do, and who does he who rejects this instruction reject?


   Sexual standards were very low in the Roman Empire, and in many societies today they are not any higher. The temptation to engage in sexual intercourse outside the marriage relationship has always been powerful. Giving in to that temptation can have disastrous results. Sexual sins always hurt someone: individuals, families, businesses, churches. Besides the physical consequences, there are also spiritual consequences.
   Sexual desires and activities must be placed under Christ's control. God created sex for procreation and pleasure, and as an expression of love between a husband and wife. Sexual experience must be limited to the marriage relationship to avoid hurting ourselves, our relationship to God, and our relationships with others.

4) Who was the church at Thessalonica taught to love each other by, why did Paul tell them to lead a quiet life and to mind their own business, and why did he tell them to work with their own hands?


   There is more to Christian living than simply loving other Christians. We must be responsible in all areas of life. Some of the Thessalonian Christians had adopted a life of idleness, depending on others for handouts. Some Greeks looked down on manual labor. So Paul told the Thessalonians to work hard and live a quiet life. You can't be effective in sharing your faith with others if they don't respect you. Whatever you do, do it faithfully and be a positive force in society.


The Coming of the Lord


5) What did Paul say he did not want them to be ignorant about, how did Paul not want them to grieve like, what did Paul say to the believes about Jesus, and who did Paul say Jesus will bring with him?


   The Thessalonians were wondering why many of their follow believers had fallen asleep (died) and what would happen to them when Christ returned. Paul wanted the Thessalonians to understand that death is not the end of the story. When Christ returns, all believers-dead and alive-will be reunited, never to suffer or die again.

6) What did Paul say they believed, who did they believe God will bring with Jesus, and who will we, who are left till the coming of the Lord, not precede?


   What does Paul mean when he says, "according to the Lord's own word?" Either this was something that the Lord had revealed directly to Paul, or it was a teaching of Jesus that had been passed along orally by the apostles and other Christians.
   Knowing exactly when the dead will be raised, in relation to the other events at the second coming, is not as important as knowing why Paul wrote these words-to challenge believers to comfort and encourage one another when loved ones die. This passage can be a great comfort when any believer dies. The same love that should unite believers in this life (4:9) will unite believers when Christ returns and reigns for eternity.

7) From where will the Lord himself come down, what will the Lord come down from heaven with, who will rise first, after that, what will happen to those who are still alive and are left, who will we be with forever, and what did Paul tell them to do with these words?


   An archangel is a high or holy angel appointed to a special task. Michael is the only archangel mentioned in the New Testament (see Jude 9).
   Because Jesus Christ came back to life, so will all believers. All Christians, including those living when Christ returns, will live with Christ forever. Therefore, we need not despair when loved ones die or world events take a tragic turn. God will turn our tragedies to triumphs, our poverty to riches, our pain to glory, and our defeat to victory. All believers throughout history will stand reunited in God's very presence, safe and secure. As Paul comforted the Thessalonians with the promise of the resurrection, so we should comfort and reassure each other with this great hope.


Answers 1Thessalonians Chapter Four


1) in order to please God...more and more...Lord Jesus
2) that you should be sanctified
3) sexual immorality...in a way that is holy and honorable...in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God...wrong his brother or take advantage of him...punish them...to live a holy life...God who gives you his Holy Spirit
4) God...so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders...so you will not be dependent on anybody
5) those who fall asleep...the rest of men who have no hope...that Jesus died and rose again...those who have fallen asleep in him (Jesus)
6) that Jesus died and rose again...those who have fallen asleep in him...those who have fallen asleep
7) heaven...a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God...the dead in Christ...we will be caught up together with them (the dead) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air...the Lord...encourage


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers