1st John -- Chapter Three

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1John Chapter Three


1) What has the Father lavished on us, because of the love God lavishes on us, what are we called, and why does the world not know us?


   As believers, our self-worth is based on the fact that God loves us and calls us his children. We are his children now, not just sometime in the distant future. Knowing that we are his children should encourage us to live as Jesus did.
   Verse 1 tells us who we are-members of God's family ("children of God"). Verse 2 tells us who are becoming-reflections of God. The rest of the chapter tells us what we have as we grow to resemble God: (1) victory over sin (3:4-9); (2) love for others (3:10-18); and (3) confidence before God (3:19-24).

2) What does John say we are, what has not yet been known, when Jesus appears, why will we see him as he is, and who are the ones who purifies themselves?


   The Christian life is a process of becoming more and more like Christ (see Romans 8:29). This process will not be complete until we see Christ face to face (1Corinthians 13:12; Philippians 3:31), but knowing that it is our ultimate destiny should motivate us to purify ourselves. To purify means to keep morally straight, free from the corruption of sin. God also purifies us, but there is action we must take to remain morally fit (see 1Timothy 5:22; James 4:8; 1Peter 1:22).

3) What does everyone who sins do, what is sin, why did Jesus appear, what is not in Jesus, what does no one who lives in him keep on doing, and who has not seen him or know him?


   There is a difference between committing a sin and continuing to sin. Even the most faithful believers sometimes commit sins, but they do not cherish a particular sin and choose to commit it. A believer who commits a sin repents, confesses, and finds forgiveness. A person who continues to sin by contrast, is not sorry for what he or she is doing. Thus this person never confesses and never receives forgiveness. Such a person is in opposition to God, no matter what religious claims he or she makes.
   Under the Old Testament sacrifice system, a lamb without blemish was offered as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus is "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). Because Jesus lived a perfect life and sacrificed himself for our sins, we can be completely forgiven. We can look back to his death for us and know that we need never suffer eternal death (1Peter 1:18-20).

4) What does John tell us not to let anyone do to us, who is righteous, who is the one that is sinful from, and how long has the devil been sinning?


   We all have areas where temptation is strong and habits are hard to conquer. These weaknesses give the devil a foot hold, so we must deal with our areas of vulnerability. If we are struggling with a particular sin, however, these verses are not directed at us, the believers, even if for the time we seem to keep on sinning. John is not talking about people whose victories are still incomplete; he is talking about people who make a practice of sinning and look for ways to justify it.
   Three steps are necessary to find victory over prevailing sin: (1) seek the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word; (2) stay away from tempting situations; and (3) seek the help of the body of Christ-be open to their willingness to hold you accountable and to pray for you.

5) For what reason did the Son of God appear, why can no one who is born of God continue to sin, and how can we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are?


   "No one who is born of God will continue to sin" means that true believers do not make a practice of sinning, nor do they become indifferent to God’s moral law. All believers still sin, but they are working to gain victory over sin. "God’s seed remains in him" means that true believers do not make a practice of sinning because God’s new life has been born into them.
   We are "born of God" when the Holy Spirit lives in us and gives us Jesus’ new life. Being born again is more than a fresh start; it is a rebirth, receiving a new family name based on Christ’s death for us. When this happens, God forgives us and totally accepts us; the Holy Spirit gives us new minds and hearts, lives in us, and begins helping us to become like Christ. Our perspective changes too because we have a mind that is renewed day by day by the Holy Spirit (see Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:22-24). So we must begin to think and act differently. (See John 3:1-21 for more on being born again). (taken from The NIV Life Application Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers)
   Verse 10 reveals the heart of the entire section and furnishes a transgression to the next one. John is not concerned with a theoretical consideration of the nature of sinfulness or the possibility of sinlessness but the issue of the community. How are the children (community) of God to be recognized and how are the children (community) of the devil to be discerned?
   "Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God." And what is the "right" he does not do? He "does not love his brother" is the true test of righteous behavior. This requirement that those who are born of God "cannot go on sinning" (verses 6,  9). If God is love, and if he lives in us and we in him, then love for fellow believers will occur as an expression of righteousness without exception. (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)


Love One Another


6) What is the message we have heard from the beginning, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother, and for what reason did Cain murder his brother?


   The admonition that "we should love one another" is highlighted by the return to critical formula, "This is the message you heard from the beginning," an almost identical reminiscence of 1:1, 5. The command to "love one another" has its origin in the nature of God. The entire goal and aim of the Gospel is to create and strengthen love. (taken from The NIV Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishers)
   Cain killed his brother, Abel, when God accepted Abel's offering and not his (Genesis 4:1-6). Abel's offering showed that Cain was not giving his best to God, and Cain’s jealous anger drove him to murder. People who are morally upright expose and shame those who aren’t. If we live for God, the world will often hate us, because we make them painfully aware of their immoral way of living.

7) For what reason does John tell us not to be surprised, how do we (the believers) know we have passed from death to life, who remains in death, what is anyone who hates his brother, and what does no murderer have?


   Christians are called to "not conform any longer to the pattern of this world," with its behavior and customs that are usually selfish and often corrupting. Many Christians wisely decide that much worldly behavior is off limits for them. Our refusal to conform to this world’s values, however, must go even deeper than the level of behavior and customs-it must be firmly planted in our minds-"be transformed by the renewing of your mind." It is possible to avoid most worldly customs and still be proud, covetous, selfish, stubborn, and arrogant. Only the Holy Spirit renews, reeducates, and redirects our minds are we truly transformed. (taken from The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Publishers)
   John echo’s Jesus’ teaching that whoever hates another person is a murderer at heart (Matthew 5:21, 22). Christianity is a religion of the heart; outward compliance alone is not enough. Bitterness against someone who has wronged you is an evil cancer within you and will eventually destroy you. Don’t let a "bitter root" (Hebrews 12:15) grow in you or your church.

8) How do we know what love is, and what is not in the person that has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him?


   Real love is an action, not a feeling. It produces selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatest act of love is giving oneself for others. How can we lay down our lives? By serving others with no thought of receiving anything in return. Sometimes it is easier to say we’ll die for others than to truly live for them-this involves putting others’ desires first. Jesus taught this same principle of love in John 15:13.
These verses give an example of how to lay down our lives for others-to help those in need. This strikingly similar to James's teaching (James 2:14-17). How clearly do your actions say you really love others? Are you as generous as you should be with your money, possessions, and time?

9) How are we to love, how do we know that we belong to the truth, and who is greater than our hearts and knows everything?


   Many are afraid that they don’t love others as they should. They feel guilty because they think they are not doing enough to show proper love to Christ. Their consciences bother them. John has these people in mind in this letter. How do we escape the gnawing accusations of our consciences? Not by ignoring them or rationalizing our behavior, but by setting our hearts on God’s love. When we feel guilty, we should remind ourselves that God knows our motives as well as our actions. His voice of assurance is stronger than the accusing voice of our conscience. If we are in Christ, he will not condemn us (Romans 8:1; Hebrews 9:14, 25). So if you are living for the Lord but feeling that you are not good enough, remind yourself that God is greater than your conscience.

10) If our hearts do not condemn us, what do we have before the Lord, why will we receive from the Lord anything we ask, what is God's command, who lives in Jesus, and how do we know that he lives in us?


   If your conscience is clear, you can come to God without fear, confident that your requests will be heard. You will receive if you obey and do what pleases him because you will then be asking in line with God’s will. Of course this does not mean that you can have anything you want, like instant riches. If you are truly seeking God’s will, there are some requests you will not make.
   In the Bible, a person’s name stands for his or her character. It represents who he or she really is. We are to believe not only in Jesus’ words, but also in his very person as the Son of God. Moreover, to believe, "in the name" means to pattern your life after Christ’s, to become more like him by uniting yourself with him. And if we are living like Christ, we will "love one another."
   The mutual relationship, living in Christians he lives in us, shows itself in Christians who keep these three essential commands: (1) believe in Christ, (2) love the brothers and sisters, and (3) live morally upright lives. The Spirit's presence is not only spiritual and mystical, but it is also practical. Our conduct verifies his presence.


Answers to 1John Chapter 3


1) Love...children of God...it did not know him
2) Children of God...what we will be...for we shall see him as he is...everyone who has this hope in him
3) Breaks the law...lawlessness...so that he might take away our sins...sin...sinning...those who continue to sin
4) Lead you astray...he who does what is right...the devil...from the beginning
5) To destroy the devil's work...because God’s seed remains in him, he has been born of God...any one who does not do what is right is not a child of God's; nor is anyone who does not love his brother
6) We should love one another...Cain...his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous
7) That the world hates us...because we love our brothers...anyone who does not love his brother...a murderer...eternal life
8) Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers...the love of God
9) With action and in truth...whenever our hearts condemn us...God
10) Confidence...because we obey his commands and do what pleases him...to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us...those who obey him...by the Spirit he gave us


Taken from The NIV Life Application Study, Zondervan, Punishers