Galactic Bureau of Investigation

The Mission of the GBI is to uphold the law through the investigation of violations of galactic criminal law; to protect the StarMech Collective from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities; to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to local, planetary, colonial, and galactic agencies; and to perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the Articles of the StarMech Collective.


The Galactic Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is the principal investigative arm of the StarMech Collective Council of Galactic Law Enforcement (CGLE). Title 98A-0023, StarMech Code, Section 533, which authorizes the Council General to "appoint officials to detect...crimes against the StarMech Collective," and other Collective statutes give the GBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes. At present, the GBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of interstellar crimes.

The Bureau is also authorized to investigate matters where no prosecution is contemplated. For example, under the authority of several Council Orders, the GBI conducts background security checks concerning nominees to sensitive board positions in the Collective. In addition, the GBI has been directed or authorized by Council statements or directives to obtain information about activities jeopardizing the security of the Collective.

Information obtained through a GBI investigation is presented to the appropriate CGLE Attorney or local world government official, who decides if prosecution, or other action, is warranted. Top priority has been assigned to the five areas that affect society the most: counter-terrorism, organized crime, foreign counterintelligence, violent crimes, and white-collar crimes.

The GBI also is authorized to provide other law enforcement agencies with cooperative services, such as bio-print identification, laboratory examinations, and law enforcement training; to publish annual Galactic Crime Reports; and to administer the Galactic Crime Information Center.

Table of GBI Ranks





Agent Trainee



Field Agent

Special Agent

Department Head


Division Chief

Deputy Director

Assistant Director


GBI Agent Career Package

A GBI agent should expand into the remainder of the Investigate skills, namely interrogate and track, as well as Knowledge - deduce.  Depending on how much time an agent spends trailing suspects, Vehicle Operation - land, air, and space may be worthwhile.  Also Stealth - shadow could be very useful.  Some field agents pick up Medical Science - psychology and work as profilers, creating descriptions of criminal suspects based on the agent’s knowledge of human or alien behavior.  Those who work in code-breaking or Grid enforcement should learn Investigate - cryptography and Computer Science - programming and hacking.

GBI Verge Offices

The Galactic Bureau of Investigation (GBI) has opened offices in Nova Station and has been assigned two important tasks.  They are assisting the investigation of the Burn Pirates and they are tracking down crimes related to the alien artifacts found in this system.