Watch for the First Annual Golf Outting Comming Soon                                                                   


 Date and time  Event Name EVENT LOCATION
February 22,2005 Consolidated Primary Election, City of Peoria Your Polling Place  
February 16, Noon Bring a sack lunch at 11:30 Republican Book Club, First Book Slander by Ann Coulter Republican Headquarters, 8835 N.Knoxville Ave.  
March 6, 5:30 Annual Lincoln Day Dinner, Senator Frank Watson, Speaker Weaver Ridge Golf Club  
March 9, Noon NoonPCRW Luncheon Candidate Forum-City Council,Clerk,Treasurer,Township Supervisor & Assessor Lariat Restaurant, 2232 W. Glen Avenue  
April 5 City of Peoria Election Day Your Polling Place  
April 13, Noon PCRW Luncheon H.Wayne Wilson- How the Media Affects Elections Lariat Restaurant, 2232 W. Glen Avenue  
May 11. Noon PCRW Luncheon Valorie Oliver, Wife of the City Manager-"Peoria Through My Eyes" Lariat Restaurant, 2232 W. Glen Avenue  
August 10, Noon PCRW Luncheon Membership Luncheon & Prizes Lariat Restaurant, 2232 W. Glen Avenue