Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 18

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Left: Sycamore tree in Jericho, like the one Zacchaeus climbed in to see Jesus. Right: Bethany, where Jesus spent the Sabbath with Lazarus, Mary, and Martha before travelling to Jerusalem on "Palm Sunday."

Jesus' Palm Sunday Route

Jesus leaves Bethany along this ancient road and travels to Bethphage. The road is quite steep, but levels off as it approaches Bethphage.

Jesus sends two disciples off the main road and down a little hill (left) to the village of Bethphage, where they obtain a donkey's colt. Jesus mounts the colt (center left, mural in Bethphage church) and proceeds along the ancient road to Jerusalem (center right), passing this valley view (right).

Jesus continues up the Mount of Olives, reaches the crest (left), and proceeds down the other side (right). The temple comes into view as Jesus passes through crowds of encamped pilgrims en route to Jerusalem.

Jesus follows the ancient road around the east wall of the temple (left), and comes to the south entrance of the temple (center, Holyland Hotel Model), then he walks up these steps (right) and enters through the Hulda Gates (blocked off in picture at right).

Jesus enters the temple up the steps from the Hulda Gates (left, Holyland Hotel Model), and drives out merchants selling in the courtyard. He weeps over Jerusalem, and predicts it's total destruction with "not one stone left on another, because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you" (19:44). This happened in AD 70, and stones from the temple stand today (right) where the Roman army left them over 1930 years ago.

For the next few days, Jesus returns to the temple (above, Holyland Hotel Model) and teaches in the courts.