Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 17

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Jesus concludes his ministry in Perea, and crosses the Jordan River (left) at Jericho, often called "the City of Palms." At right is an aerial view of the Jericho area.

Remains of Herod's Palace in Jericho. This palace was in use when Jesus came through en route to Jerusalem and healed a blind beggar.


Jericho is also the site where the patriarch Joshua (an earlier variant of the name "Jesus") crossed the Jordan River and led the Insraelite people in their conquest of the "Promised Land" of Canaan; archaeologist Brant Wood (right) points to the remains of the mud brick walls of Jericho, destroyed by God to open the gates for the Israelite conquest.

Jericho is thought to be the olderst city in the world. The tomb remains (left -- British Museum) date to the time of Abraham; the Neolithic Tower (right) dates thousands of years earlier.