Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 8

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Left: The Parable of the Sower; Right: Storm brewing on the Sea of Galilee. Winds sweeping in from the high surrounding hills cause sudden violent storms, such as the one encountered by Jesus and his apostles.


Left: Most of Jesus' ministry so far has been in Galilee (orange), where there are lots of Jews. In Luke 8, Jesus sails to the Gentile area of Gaulanitis (green)—a different world. Right: Ruins of the basilica at Kursi, on the eastern shore. This is the traditional site where Jesus healed the man with many demons.


Left: Steep hillside, down which the demon-possessed pigs rushed into the Sea of Galilee and drowned; Right: Jesus returns to Capernaum from Gaulanitis and raises from the dead the daughter of the ruler of the 1st century synagogue (which stood on the black foundation in this picture).