Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 7

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Left: Black basalt rock foundation (bottom of photo) of the 1st century Synagogue of Capernaum, financed by the Roman centurion; Right: 4th century synagogue built on this same foundation.


Left: The village of Nain, at the base of the Hill of Moreh, where Jesus raised a boy from the dead; Right: Close up of the village.


Above: Herod's Machaerus Fortress in Jordan, where John the Baptist was imprisoned and executed: Left, Excavations of the fortress; Center, Aerial view; Right, View of Machaerus (to the left of the dark spot in the center) looking across Dead Sea.

Left: Example of 1st century middle eastern banquet, in which the guests "recline at the table." It was in such a setting that the sinful woman anointed Jesus' feet with perfume.