Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 5

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 Jesus taught from a fishing boat in this cove in the NW of the Sea of Galilee. The landscape above forms a perfect amphitheater, so he was heard without having to shout.

 Jesus calls disciples fishing with a dragnet. This is an artist's sketch of a 1st century dragnet (stretched out on the shore) and fishing boat.


Left: Artist's sketch of Jesus' healing a paralytic on a mat, dropped through a hole in the roof of an "Insula" (a complex of homes); Right: Roof Roller. The roofs of homes were built of sticks, filled with clay, and compacted with a roof roller such as this one.

   Insula excavated in Korazin.

Left: Matthew's Tax Booth was located at the tanks at the bend of the road in the lower left of this photo of the NW shore of Sea of Galilee. (Magdala is in the foreground, and Capernaum and Bethsaida are along the north coast, in the right half of the picture.)