Community Bible Study -- LUKE

Photos for Lesson 2

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Left: Traditional birthplace of John the Baptist, Ein Karem; Right: Qumran, in the desert (where John the Baptist may have grown up).


Left: Augustus Caesar, Roman emperor who called for a taxation census; Center: Route of Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem; Right: Basilica of the Nativity, built over Jesus' traditional birthplace.


Left: Jesus' traditional birthplace. He was born under the canopy on the left; the manger site is on the right; Center: Shepherds' Field, Bethlehem; Right: Fresco of angels appearing to shepherds.


Left: South Entrance to the temple, where Joseph and Mary would have taken Jesus for his presentation (Jerusalem Model, Holyland Hotel, Jerusalem); Right: The very steps Mary and Joseph would have walked, carrying Jesus, to enter the temple through the gate (now blocked) in the upper center of the photo.

 Left: Mikve purification bath at south entrance to the temple. Mary was "purified" here -- in this bath or another bath nearby -- before taking Jesus into the temple.