Mommy's Little Angel
There came a frantic knock
at the doctor's office door,
A knock more urgent than
he'd ever heard before.
"Come in, come in,"
the impatient doctor said.
"Come in, come in, before you wake the dead."
In walked a frightened little girl,
a child no more than nine.
It was plain for all to see
she had troubles on her mind.
"Oh doctor, I beg you
please come with me.
My mother is surely dying.
She's as sick as she can be."
"I don't make house calls.
Bring your mother here."
"But she's too sick, so you must come
or she will die, I fear."

The doctor, touched by her devotion,
decided he would go.
She said he would be blessed,
more than he could know.
She led him to her house
where her mother lay in bed.
Her mother was so very sick
she couldn't raise her head.
But her eyes cried out for help,
and help the doctor did.
She would have died that very night
had it not been for her child.
The doctor got her fever down
and she lived through the night.
And morning brought the doctor signs
that she would be all right.
The doctor said he had to leave,
but would return again by two.
And later he came back to check,
just like he said he'd do.
The mother praised the doctor
for all the things he'd done.
He told her she would have died
were it not for her little one.
"How proud you must be
of your wonderful little girl.
It was her pleading
that made me come...
She's really quite a pearl!"
"But doctor, my daughter died
over three years ago,
Is the picture on the wall
of the little girl you know?"
The doctor's legs went limp,
for the picture on the wall...
Was the same little girl for whom
he had made this call.

The doctor stood there motionless,
for quite a little while.
And then his solemn face
was broken by his smile.
He was thinking of that frantic knock
heard at his office door...
and of the beautiful little angel
that had walked across his floor.
